Nicholas M. Van Horn, Ph.D.

Psychology Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
"Nicholas Van Horn"
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Alex Petrov grad student 2014 Ohio State
 (Perceptual Learning And Visual Short-Term Memory: The Limitations And Mechanisms Of Interacting Processes.)
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Van Horn NM, Petrov AA. (2014) Practice abolishes similarity's influence on VSTM-induced interference on perception Journal of Vision. 14: 156-156
Petrov AA, Van Horn NM. (2014) Training on orientation recall improves the precision of visual short-term memory under high and low levels of memory masking Journal of Vision. 14: 1373-1373
Van Horn NM, Petrov AA. (2013) Cross-Talk Between Visual Short-Term Memory and Low-Level Vision: Evidence for Interactions Across Shared Neural Resources. Journal of Vision. 13: 11-11
Petrov AA, Van Horn NM. (2012) Motion aftereffect duration is not changed by perceptual learning: evidence against the representation modification hypothesis. Vision Research. 61: 4-14
Petrov AA, Van Horn NM, Todd JT. (2011) The visual identification of relational categories. Journal of Vision. 11
Petrov AA, Van Horn NM, Ratcliff R. (2011) Dissociable perceptual-learning mechanisms revealed by diffusion-model analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18: 490-7
Van Horn NM, Petrov AA, Todd JT. (2011) Can configural relations be encoded by image histograms of higher-order filters? Journal of Vision. 11: 852-852
Van Horn N, Petrov A. (2010) Perceptual learning of visual motion: The role of the spatial frequency of the carrier Journal of Vision. 9: 886-886
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