Elizabeth I. Sklar, Ph.D.

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States 
"Elizabeth Sklar"
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Jordan B. Pollack grad student 2000 Brandeis
 (CEL: A framework for enabling an Internet learning community.)
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Cohen A, Parsons SD, Sklar EI, et al. (2018) A characterization of types of support between structured arguments and their relationship with support in abstract argumentation International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 94: 76-104
Azhar MQ, Sklar EI. (2017) A study measuring the impact of shared decision making in a human-robot team The International Journal of Robotics Research. 36: 461-482
Sklar EI, Parsons S, Li Z, et al. (2015) Evaluation of a trust-modulated argumentation-based interactive decision-making tool Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
Tang Y, Cai K, McBurney P, et al. (2012) Using argumentation to reason about trust and belief1 Journal of Logic and Computation. 22: 979-1018
Sklar E, Richards D. (2010) Agent-based systems for human learners Knowledge Engineering Review. 25: 111-135
Sklar E. (2007) NetLogo, a Multi-agent Simulation Environment Artificial Life. 13: 303-311
Pagello E, Menegatti E, Bredenfeld A, et al. (2004) RoboCup-2003 new scientific and technical advances Ai Magazine. 25: 81-98
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