Carsten Eulitz
Affiliations: | University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany |
Neuroscience of language and phonologyGoogle:
"Carsten Eulitz"Mean distance: 15.81 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree
Sign in to add traineeJonas Obleser | grad student | 2001-2004 | University of Konstanz |
Ronny Hannemann | grad student | 2004-2008 | University of Konstanz |
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Czypionka A, Kharaman M, Eulitz C. (2023) vs. : neurolinguistic evidence for semantic decomposition in the recognition of German noun-noun compounds. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1173352 |
Zimmerer F, Scharinger M, Cornell S, et al. (2019) Neural mechanisms for coping with acoustically reduced speech. Brain and Language. 191: 46-57 |
Smolka E, Eulitz C. (2018) Psycholinguistic measures for German verb pairs: Semantic transparency, semantic relatedness, verb family size, and age of reading acquisition. Behavior Research Methods |
Czypionka A, Eulitz C. (2018) Lexical case marking affects the processing of animacy in simple verbs, but not particle verbs: Evidence from event-related potentials Glossa: a Journal of General Linguistics. 3: 126 |
Smolka E, Preller KH, Eulitz C. (2014) 'Verstehen' ('understand') primes 'stehen' ('stand'): Morphological structure overrides semantic compositionality in the lexical representation of German complex verbs Journal of Memory and Language. 72: 16-36 |
Friedrich CK, Felder V, Lahiri A, et al. (2013) Activation of words with phonological overlap. Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 556 |
Cornell SA, Lahiri A, Eulitz C. (2013) Inequality across consonantal contrasts in speech perception: evidence from mismatch negativity. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 39: 757-72 |
Cornell SA, Lahiri A, Eulitz C. (2011) "What you encode is not necessarily what you store": evidence for sparse feature representations from mismatch negativity. Brain Research. 1394: 79-89 |
Schoenfeld MA, Hassa T, Hopf JM, et al. (2011) Neural correlates of hysterical blindness. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 21: 2394-8 |
Eulitz C, Hannemann R. (2010) On the matching of top-down knowledge with sensory input in the perception of ambiguous speech. Bmc Neuroscience. 11: 67 |