Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Armin Bahl
Aenne A. Brielmann
Ilka Buchmann20142018 Jennifer Randerath (grad student)
Dong-Seon ChangAction recognition, Social interaction Department of Neurobiology20052007 Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student)
Sarang S. Dalal
Juan D. DeliusBiological Psychology, Evolution, Memetics Nikolaas (Niko) Tinbergen (grad student)
Kristina Dylla Paul Szyszka (grad student)
Katharina EichlerEM connectomics, Drosophila neuroanatomy20132017 Andreas S. Thum (grad student)
Thomas ElbertClinical Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience Niels Birbaumer (grad student), Peter J. Lang (research scientist), Peter J. Lang (collaborator)
Carsten EulitzNeuroscience of language and phonology
Lisa Finkel20162020 Jennifer Randerath (grad student)
Ernst Florey
Volker H. Franz Rolf Ulrich (research assistant)
Giovanni Cosmas GaliziaOlfaction
Onur Güntürkün19801991 Juan D. Delius (grad student)
Ronny Hannemann20042008 Jonas Obleser (grad student), Carsten Eulitz (grad student)
Simon HanslmayrBrain oscillations Dept of Clinical Psychology20102013 Brigitte Rockstroh (research scientist)
Thomas Hartmann
Sabine HeimDyslexia April A Benasich (post-doc)
Ronald Hübner
Wolf Huetterothinsect brain, learning, memory, neuropeptides, olfaction, development Biology20142017 Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (research scientist)
Martin A ImhoffMRI, ISC, EEG, health communication
Baris KabakPhonology, Phonetics, Morphology, Psycholinguistics
Florian Felix Kämpfzebrafish, motion integration, circuit science, drosophila Departement of Neuroscience20212024 Armin Bahl (research assistant)
Andreas Keil19972000 Thomas Elbert (grad student), Matthias M. Müller (grad student)
Julian KeilMEG, EEG, TMS, spontaneous activity, oscillatory activity2008 Nathan Weisz (grad student)
Leonie KobanSocial and Affective Neuroscience, Emotion, Pain Andreas Keil (research assistant)
Michael KochStartle, PPI1990 Günter Ehret (grad student), Hubert Markl (grad student)
Lars Kunz Department of Biology19941998 Günther Stark (grad student)
Wolfram Kutsch
Peter Lauger George Paul Hess (collaborator)
Martin E. Maier Ronald Hübner (grad student)
Hubert Markl
Yunusa Garba Mohammed Paul Szyszka (grad student)
Julia MoserDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience20112015 Harald T. Schupp (research assistant)
Matthias M. Müller19901994 Thomas Elbert (post-doc)
Daniel Müncholfaction, sensory neurons, taste, neuronal circuits, Drosophila20142017 Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student), Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (post-doc)
Jonas ObleserAuditory System, Neural Dynamics, Communication20012004 Thomas Elbert (grad student), Carsten Eulitz (grad student)
Marco Paolineurobiology, calcium imaging, sensory coding, honeybee Department of Neurobiology20162019 Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (post-doc)
Tzvetan PopovMEG, EEG, Schizophrenia, Neuronal Networks
Brigitte Rockstroh
Silke Sachseinsect olfaction, sensory processing, neural circuits19992002 Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student)
Martin Sarteracetylcholine, attention, basal forebrain19821984 Hans J. Markowitsch (grad student)
Winfried Schlee Nathan Weisz (grad student)
Ralf SchmälzleCommunication/Cognitive/Affective/Social Cognitive Neuroscience Harald T. Schupp (grad student)
Barbara Schmitz Lon A. Wilkens (research scientist)
Harald T. SchuppEmotion, Attention Peter J. Lang (grad student), Niels Birbaumer (grad student)
Aarti Sehdev Paul Szyszka (grad student)
Susumu ShikanoPolitical Methodology
Günther Stark
Marco Steinhausercognitive control, performance monitoring, attention Ronald Hübner (grad student)
Dirk Steinke Evolutionary Biology20022006 Axel Meyer (grad student)
Paul A. Stevenson Wolfram Kutsch (grad student), Ernst Florey (grad student)
Jacob Stierle Paul Szyszka (grad student)
Claudia A. O. StuermerRetinal development
Andreas S. Thum
Katrin VogtNeurobiology, Genetics
Clive Wynnebehavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing Juan D. Delius (post-doc)