Armin Bahl | | | | | |
Aenne A. Brielmann | | | | | |
Ilka Buchmann | | | 2014 | 2018 | Jennifer Randerath (grad student) |
Dong-Seon Chang | Action recognition, Social interaction | Department of Neurobiology | 2005 | 2007 | Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student) |
Sarang S. Dalal | | | | | |
Juan D. Delius | Biological Psychology, Evolution, Memetics | | | | Nikolaas (Niko) Tinbergen (grad student) |
Kristina Dylla | | | | | Paul Szyszka (grad student) |
Katharina Eichler | EM connectomics, Drosophila neuroanatomy | | 2013 | 2017 | Andreas S. Thum (grad student) |
Thomas Elbert | Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience | | | | Niels Birbaumer (grad student), Peter J. Lang (research scientist), Peter J. Lang (collaborator) |
Carsten Eulitz | Neuroscience of language and phonology | | | | |
Lisa Finkel | | | 2016 | 2020 | Jennifer Randerath (grad student) |
Ernst Florey | | | | | |
Volker H. Franz | | | | | Rolf Ulrich (research assistant) |
Giovanni Cosmas Galizia | Olfaction | | | | |
Onur Güntürkün | | | 1980 | 1991 | Juan D. Delius (grad student) |
Ronny Hannemann | | | 2004 | 2008 | Jonas Obleser (grad student), Carsten Eulitz (grad student) |
Simon Hanslmayr | Brain oscillations | Dept of Clinical Psychology | 2010 | 2013 | Brigitte Rockstroh (research scientist) |
Thomas Hartmann | | | | | |
Sabine Heim | Dyslexia | | | | April A Benasich (post-doc) |
Ronald Hübner | | | | | |
Wolf Huetteroth | insect brain, learning, memory, neuropeptides, olfaction, development | Biology | 2014 | 2017 | Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (research scientist) |
Martin A Imhof | fMRI, ISC, EEG, health communication | | | | |
Baris Kabak | Phonology, Phonetics, Morphology, Psycholinguistics | | | | |
Florian Felix Kämpf | zebrafish, motion integration, circuit science, drosophila | Departement of Neuroscience | 2021 | 2024 | Armin Bahl (research assistant) |
Andreas Keil | | | 1997 | 2000 | Thomas Elbert (grad student), Matthias M. Müller (grad student) |
Julian Keil | MEG, EEG, TMS, spontaneous activity, oscillatory activity | | 2008 | | Nathan Weisz (grad student) |
Leonie Koban | Social and Affective Neuroscience, Emotion, Pain | | | | Andreas Keil (research assistant) |
Michael Koch | Startle, PPI | | | 1990 | Günter Ehret (grad student), Hubert Markl (grad student) |
Lars Kunz | | Department of Biology | 1994 | 1998 | Günther Stark (grad student) |
Wolfram Kutsch | | | | | |
Peter Lauger | | | | | George Paul Hess (collaborator) |
Martin E. Maier | | | | | Ronald Hübner (grad student) |
Hubert Markl | | | | | |
Yunusa Garba Mohammed | | | | | Paul Szyszka (grad student) |
Julia Moser | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2011 | 2015 | Harald T. Schupp (research assistant) |
Matthias M. Müller | | | 1990 | 1994 | Thomas Elbert (post-doc) |
Daniel Münch | olfaction, sensory neurons, taste, neuronal circuits, Drosophila | | 2014 | 2017 | Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student), Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (post-doc) |
Jonas Obleser | Auditory System, Neural Dynamics, Communication | | 2001 | 2004 | Thomas Elbert (grad student), Carsten Eulitz (grad student) |
Marco Paoli | neurobiology, calcium imaging, sensory coding, honeybee | Department of Neurobiology | 2016 | 2019 | Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (post-doc) |
Tzvetan Popov | MEG, EEG, Schizophrenia, Neuronal Networks | | | | |
Brigitte Rockstroh | | | | | |
Silke Sachse | insect olfaction, sensory processing, neural circuits | | 1999 | 2002 | Giovanni Cosmas Galizia (grad student) |
Martin Sarter | acetylcholine, attention, basal forebrain | | 1982 | 1984 | Hans J. Markowitsch (grad student) |
Winfried Schlee | | | | | Nathan Weisz (grad student) |
Ralf Schmälzle | Communication/Cognitive/Affective/Social Cognitive Neuroscience | | | | Harald T. Schupp (grad student) |
Barbara Schmitz | | | | | Lon A. Wilkens (research scientist) |
Harald T. Schupp | Emotion, Attention | | | | Peter J. Lang (grad student), Niels Birbaumer (grad student) |
Aarti Sehdev | | | | | Paul Szyszka (grad student) |
Susumu Shikano | Political Methodology | | | | |
Günther Stark | | | | | |
Marco Steinhauser | cognitive control, performance monitoring, attention | | | | Ronald Hübner (grad student) |
Dirk Steinke | | Evolutionary Biology | 2002 | 2006 | Axel Meyer (grad student) |
Paul A. Stevenson | | | | | Wolfram Kutsch (grad student), Ernst Florey (grad student) |
Jacob Stierle | | | | | Paul Szyszka (grad student) |
Claudia A. O. Stuermer | Retinal development | | | | |
Andreas S. Thum | | | | | |
Katrin Vogt | Neurobiology, Genetics | | | | |
Clive Wynne | behavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing | | | | Juan D. Delius (post-doc) |