Jill E. MacLaren, Ph.D.

2006 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States 
"Jill MacLaren"
Mean distance: 21.96 (cluster 15)


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Kevin T. Larkin grad student 2006 Dalhousie University
 (Training nursing students in evidence-based nonpharmacological pain management techniques.)
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Fortier MA, MacLaren JE, Martin SR, et al. (2009) Pediatric pain after ambulatory surgery: where's the medication? Pediatrics. 124: e588-95
Kain ZN, MacLaren JE, Herrmann L, et al. (2009) Preoperative melatonin and its effects on induction and emergence in children undergoing anesthesia and surgery. Anesthesiology. 111: 44-9
Cohen LL, MacLaren JE, DeMore M, et al. (2009) A randomized controlled trial of vapocoolant for pediatric immunization distress relief. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 25: 490-4
MacLaren JE, Thompson C, Weinberg M, et al. (2009) Prediction of preoperative anxiety in children: who is most accurate? Anesthesia and Analgesia. 108: 1777-82
Kain ZN, MacLaren JE, Hammell C, et al. (2009) Healthcare provider-child-parent communication in the preoperative surgical setting. Paediatric Anaesthesia. 19: 376-84
Kain ZN, Maclaren J, Weinberg M, et al. (2009) How many parents should we let into the operating room? Paediatric Anaesthesia. 19: 244-249
Thompson C, MacLaren JE, Harris A, et al. (2009) Brief report: prediction of children's preoperative anxiety by mothers and fathers. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 34: 716-21
Fortier M, MacLaren J, Martin S, et al. (2009) Children's pain at home following ambulatory surgery The Journal of Pain. 10: S2
MacLaren JE, Cohen LL, Larkin KT, et al. (2008) Training nursing students in evidence-based techniques for cognitive-behavioral pediatric pain management. The Journal of Nursing Education. 47: 351-8
MacLaren J, Kain ZN. (2008) Research to practice in pediatric pain: What are we missing? Pediatrics. 122: 443-444
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