Xiaofeng Ren, Ph.D.

2006 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Xiaofeng Ren"
Mean distance: 17.06 (cluster 23)


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Jitendra Malik grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
 (Probabilistic models for mid -level vision.)
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Yu XP, Wu CY, Ren XJ, et al. (2016) Very Long-term Outcomes and Predictors of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Drug-eluting Stents Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Patients with Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Disease. Chinese Medical Journal. 129: 763-770
Song J, Gu CW, Ren X. (2016) Parametric design and off-design analysis of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system Energy Conversion and Management. 112: 157-165
Ren X, Gu C. (2016) A numerical study on the tip clearance in an axial transonic compressor rotor Applied Thermal Engineering. 103: 282-290
Ren X, Gu C. (2016) Application of a discontinuous Galerkin method on the compressible flow in the transonic axial compressor Applied Thermal Engineering. 93: 707-717
Ren X, Xu K, Shyy W, et al. (2015) A multi-dimensional high-order discontinuous Galerkin method based on gas kinetic theory for viscous flow computations Journal of Computational Physics. 292: 176-193
Hao ZR, Gu CW, Ren XD. (2014) The application of discontinuous Galerkin methods in conjugate heat transfer simulations of gas turbines Energies. 7: 7857-7877
Chen Y, Ren X, Zhang GQ, et al. (2013) Ontology-guided organ detection to retrieve web images of disease manifestation: towards the construction of a consumer-based health image library. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : Jamia. 20: 1076-81
Ren X, Fowlkes C, Malik J. (2010) Familiar configuration enables figure/ground assignment in natural scenes Journal of Vision. 5: 344-344
Ren X, Fowlkes CC, Malik J. (2008) Learning probabilistic models for contour completion in natural images International Journal of Computer Vision. 77: 47-63
Ren X, Malik J. (2002) The ecological statistics of good continuation: Multi-scale Markov models for contours Journal of Vision. 2
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