Lubomir Bourdev, Ph.D.

2011 Computer Science University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Lubomir Bourdev"
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Jitendra Malik grad student 2011 UC Berkeley
 (Poselets and Their Applications in High-Level Computer Vision.)
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Chen B, Perona P, Bourdev L. (2014) Hierarchical cascade of classifiers for efficient poselet evaluation Bmvc 2014 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
Gkioxari G, Arbelaez P, Bourdev L, et al. (2013) Articulated pose estimation using discriminative armlet classifiers Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 3342-3349
Murillo AC, Kwak IS, Bourdev L, et al. (2012) Urban tribes: Analyzing group photos from a social perspective Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 28-35
Arbelaez P, Hariharan B, Gu C, et al. (2012) Semantic segmentation using regions and parts Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 3378-3385
Bourdev L, Maji S, Malik J. (2011) Poselets: A distributed representation for visual recognition Journal of Vision. 11: 891-891
Bourdev L, Maji S, Malik J. (2011) Describing people: A poselet-based approach to attribute classification Proceedings of the Ieee International Conference On Computer Vision. 1543-1550
Hariharan B, Arbeláez P, Bourdev L, et al. (2011) Semantic contours from inverse detectors Proceedings of the Ieee International Conference On Computer Vision. 991-998
Brox T, Bourdev L, Maji S, et al. (2011) Object segmentation by alignment of poselet activations to image contours Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2225-2232
Maji S, Bourdev L, Malik J. (2011) Action recognition from a distributed representation of pose and appearance Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 3177-3184
Bourdev L, Maji S, Brox T, et al. (2010) Detecting people using mutually consistent poselet activations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6316: 168-181
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