Jan Drewes

CIMeC - Centro interdipartimentale Mente/Cervello University of Trento, Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy 
Visual System
"Jan Drewes"
Mean distance: 13.4 (cluster 29)
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Drewes J, Witzel C, Zhu W. (2023) Feature-based interaction between masks and target in continuous flash suppression. Scientific Reports. 13: 4696
Drewes J, Muschter E, Zhu W, et al. (2022) Individual resting-state alpha peak frequency and within-trial changes in alpha peak frequency both predict visual dual-pulse segregation performance. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Drewes J, Zhu W, Melcher D. (2020) The optimal spatial noise for continuous flash suppression masking is pink. Scientific Reports. 10: 6943
Drewes J, Zhu W, Melcher D. (2018) The edge of awareness: Mask spatial density, but not color, determines optimal temporal frequency for continuous flash suppression. Journal of Vision. 18: 12
Drewes J, Zhu W, Muschter E, et al. (2017) Long vs. short integrators: resting state alpha frequency predicts individual differences in temporal integration Journal of Vision. 17: 725
Zhu W, Drewes J, Melcher D. (2017) Mechanisms of suppression: How the classic Mondrian beats noise in CFS masking Journal of Vision. 17: 141
Zhu W, Drewes J, Peatfield NA, et al. (2016) Differential Visual Processing of Animal Images, with and without Conscious Awareness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10: 513
Wutz A, Drewes J, Melcher D. (2016) Nonretinotopic perception of orientation: Temporal integration of basic features operates in object-based coordinates. Journal of Vision. 16: 3
Zhu W, Drewes J, Melcher D. (2016) Time for Awareness: The Influence of Temporal Properties of the Mask on Continuous Flash Suppression Effectiveness. Plos One. 11: e0159206
Drewes J, Goren G, Zhu W, et al. (2016) Recurrent Processing in the Formation of Shape Percepts. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 185-92
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