Melinda T. Owens
Affiliations: | University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
"Melinda Owens"Mean distance: 13.05 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorErin M. Schuman | research assistant | 2002-2004 | Caltech |
Michael P. Stryker | grad student | 2005-2011 | UCSF |
Kimberly D. Tanner | post-doc | 2015- | San Francisco State |
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Rivera AT, Chong S, Kim J, et al. (2024) Low-stakes Scientist Spotlight Assignment Demonstrates High Value and Multiple Effects for Introductory Biology Students. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 23: ar47 |
Mendez L, Rivera AT, Vasquez I, et al. (2024) How students taking introductory biology experience the chemistry content. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. e0011124 |
Cen X, Lee RJ, Contreras C, et al. (2024) Time spent on active learning activities does not necessarily correlate with student exam performance: a controlled case study. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. e0007324 |
Denaro K, Kranzfelder P, Owens MT, et al. (2022) Predicting implementation of active learning by tenure-track teaching faculty using robust cluster analysis. International Journal of Stem Education. 9: 49 |
Zuckerman AL, Hardesty RA, Denaro K, et al. (2021) Effects of Remote Teaching in a Crisis on Equity Gaps and the Constructivist Learning an Environment in an Introductory Biology Course Series. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 22 |
Harrison CD, Nguyen TA, Seidel SB, et al. (2019) Investigating Instructor Talk in Novel Contexts: Widespread Use, Unexpected Categories, and an Emergent Sampling Strategy. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: ar47 |
Owens MT, Trujillo G, Seidel SB, et al. (2018) Collectively Improving Our Teaching: Attempting Biology Department-wide Professional Development in Scientific Teaching. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 17 |
Owens MT, Tanner KD. (2017) Teaching as Brain Changing: Exploring Connections between Neuroscience and Innovative Teaching. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 16 |
Owens MT, Seidel SB, Wong M, et al. (2017) Classroom sound can be used to classify teaching practices in college science courses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Owens MT, Feldheim DA, Stryker MP, et al. (2015) Stochastic Interaction between Neural Activity and Molecular Cues in the Formation of Topographic Maps. Neuron. 87: 1261-73 |