Hassan Habib López

Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, United States 
Behavioral neuroscience, sexual behavior
"Hassan López"
Mean distance: 15.51 (cluster 29)


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Jordan Peterson research assistant 1991-1995 Department of Psychology - Harvard University
Aaron Ettenberg grad student 1995-2001 UC Santa Barbara
 (The biopsychology of sexual motivation in the male rat: Effects of primary and secondary incentives.)


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Sarita Padukone research assistant Skidmore College
Maya L. Rosen research assistant 2006-2007 Skidmore College
Collin M. Burger research assistant 2004-2008 Skidmore College
Benjamin Chadwick research assistant 2007-2010 Skidmore College
Colin Johnston research assistant 2017-2019 Skidmore College
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Ketterer-Sykes EB, Saraceno E, Hough F, et al. (2024) Anxiolytic treatment of a trapped rat reduces helping and anxiogenic treatment increases helping: Evidence for emotional contagion in altruism. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 244: 173846
Cossio D, Stadler H, Michas Z, et al. (2019) Disrupting the endocannabinoid system in early adolescence negatively impacts sociability. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 188: 172832
Rosen ML, López HH. (2009) Menstrual cycle shifts in attentional bias for courtship language Evolution and Human Behavior. 30: 131-140
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