Jordan Peterson

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Jordan Peterson"
Mean distance: 18.08 (cluster 23)
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Xu X, Karinen AK, Chapman HA, et al. (2019) An orderly personality partially explains the link between trait disgust and political conservatism. Cognition & Emotion. 1-14
Tritt SM, Peterson JB, Page-Gould E, et al. (2016) Ideological Reactivity: Political Conservatism and Brain Responsivity to Emotional and Neutral Stimuli. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Chung-Fat-Yim A, Peterson JB, Mar RA. (2016) Validating self-paced sentence-by-sentence reading: story comprehension, recall, and narrative transportation Reading and Writing. 30: 857-869
Kaufman SB, Quilty LC, Grazioplene RG, et al. (2014) Openness to Experience and Intellect Differentially Predict Creative Achievement in the Arts and Sciences. Journal of Personality
Tritt SM, Inzlicht M, Peterson JB. (2014) Confounding valence and arousal: What really underlies political orientation? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37: 330-1
Tritt SM, Page-Gould E, Peterson JB, et al. (2014) System justification and electrophysiological responses to feedback: support for a positivity bias. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 143: 1004-10
DeYoung CG, Quilty LC, Peterson JB, et al. (2014) Openness to experience, intellect, and cognitive ability. Journal of Personality Assessment. 96: 46-52
Tritt SM, Inzlicht M, Peterson JB. (2013) Preliminary support for a generalized arousal model of political conservatism. Plos One. 8: e83333
Xu X, Mar RA, Peterson JB. (2013) Does cultural exposure partially explain the association between personality and political orientation? Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 39: 1497-517
Hirsh JB, Mar RA, Peterson JB. (2013) Personal narratives as the highest level of cognitive integration. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 36: 216-7
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