Debra L. Davis, Ph.D.

2004 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Debra Davis"
Mean distance: 30533.1 (cluster 15)


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Jacqueline Woolley grad student 2004 UT Austin
 (Children's beliefs about what it means to have a mind.)
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Davis DL, Woolley JD, Bruell MJ. (2002) Young children's understanding of the roles of knowledge and thinking in pretense British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 20: 25-45
Woolley JD, Phelps KE, Davis DL, et al. (1999) Where theories of mind meet magic: the development of children's beliefs about wishing. Child Development. 70: 571-87
Davis DL, Ahmed AK. (1998) Exposures from indoor spraying of chlorpyrifos pose greater health risks to children than currently estimated. Environmental Health Perspectives. 106: 299-301
Davis DL, Argondizzo C. (1994) Children in Action The Modern Language Journal. 78: 115
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