Melonie Williams
Affiliations: | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
"Melonie Williams"Mean distance: 15.06 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Vorhees CV, Williams MT. (2016) Cincinnati water maze: A review of the development, methods, and evidence as a test of egocentric learning and memory. Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
Williams MW, Kueider AM, Dmitrieva NO, et al. (2016) Anxiety symptoms bias memory assessment in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry |
Williams M, Pouget P, Boucher L, et al. (2013) Visual-spatial attention aids the maintenance of object representations in visual working memory. Memory & Cognition. 41: 698-715 |
Williams M, Hong SW, Kang MS, et al. (2013) The benefit of forgetting. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 20: 348-55 |
Williams M, Woodman G. (2013) Discarding Information from Visual Working Memory Journal of Vision. 13: 1357-1357 |
Williams M, Woodman GF. (2012) Directed forgetting and directed remembering in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 38: 1206-20 |
Williams M, Hong S, Woodman GF. (2011) Forgetting in visual working memory F1000research. 11: 1249-1249 |
Williams M, Pouget P, Boucher L, et al. (2010) Indexing the maintenance of objects in visual working memory by spatial selection Journal of Vision. 9: 588-588 |
Williams M, Woodman GF. (2010) Directed forgetting versus directed remembering in visual working memory Journal of Vision. 8: 201-201 |
Williams M, Woodman G. (2010) Using eye movements to measure attention to objects and features in visual working memory Journal of Vision. 10: 764-764 |