Martin Braine

New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Martin Braine"
Mean distance: 18.09 (cluster 15)
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Elsa Robinson grad student 1957 NYU (LinguisTree)


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Patricia J. Brooks grad student NYU (LinguisTree)
Ira A. Noveck grad student CNRS
Wilma Bucci grad student 1970-1975 NYU (LinguisTree)
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Dias MdGBB, Roazzi A, O'Brien D, et al. (2002) A lógica da suposição e a compreensão do faz-de- conta por parte das crianças Psicologia: ReflexãO E CríTica. 15
Brooks PJ, Jia X, Braine MDS, et al. (1998) A cross-linguistic study of children's comprehension of universal quantifiers: A comparison of Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese and English First Language. 18: 33-79
Brooks PJ, Braine MD. (1996) What do children know about the universal quantifiers all and each? Cognition. 60: 235-68
Braine MDS, O'Brien DP, Noveck IA, et al. (1995) Predicting Intermediate and Multiple Conclusions in Propositional Logic Inference Problems: Further Evidence for a Mental Logic Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 124: 263-292
O'Brien DP, Braine MD, Yang Y. (1994) Propositional reasoning by mental models? Simple to refute in principle and in practice. Psychological Review. 101: 711-24
Braine MD, Brooks PJ, Cowan N, et al. (1993) The development of categories at the semantics/syntax interface Cognitive Development. 8: 465-494
Brooks PJ, Braine MDS, Catalano L, et al. (1993) Acquisition of Gender-like Noun Subclasses in an Artificial Language: The Contribution of Phonological Markers to Learning Journal of Memory and Language. 32: 76-95
Braine MDS, O'Brien DP. (1991) A theory of if: A lexical entry, reasoning program, and pragmatic principles Psychological Review. 98: 182-203
Braine MDS, Brody RE, Brooks PJ, et al. (1990) Exploring language acquisition in children with a miniature artificial language: Effects of item and pattern frequency, arbitrary subclasses, and correction Journal of Memory and Language. 29: 591-610
Lea RB, O'Brien DP, Fisch SM, et al. (1990) Predicting propositional logic inferences in text comprehension Journal of Memory and Language. 29: 361-387
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