Daphne Bugental

Psychological and Brain Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
"Daphne Bugental"
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Corpuz R, Bugental D. (2020) Life history and individual differences in male testosterone: Mixed evidence for early environmental calibration of testosterone response to first-time fatherhood. Hormones and Behavior. 120: 104684
Hehman JA, Bugental DB. (2015) Responses to patronizing communication and factors that attenuate those responses. Psychology and Aging. 30: 552-60
Bugental DB, Corpuz R, Samec R. (2013) Outcomes of parental investment in high-risk children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 116: 59-67
Hehman JA, Bugental DB. (2013) "Life stage-specific" variations in performance in response to age stereotypes. Developmental Psychology. 49: 1396-406
Bugental DB, Corpuz R, Schwartz A. (2012) Preventing children's aggression: outcomes of an early intervention. Developmental Psychology. 48: 1443-9
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA, Corpuz R. (2012) Parental Investment in Caregiving Relationships Moving Beyond Self-Interest: Perspectives From Evolutionary Biology, Neuroscience, and the Social Sciences
Hehman JA, Corpuz R, Bugental D. (2012) Patronizing Speech to Older Adults Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 36: 249-261
Bugental DB, Schwartz A, Lynch C. (2010) Effects of an Early Family Intervention on Children's Memory: The Mediating Effects of Cortisol Levels. Mind, Brain and Education : the Official Journal of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society. 4: 156-218
Bugental DB, Beaulieu DA, Silbert-Geiger A. (2010) Increases in parental investment and child health as a result of an early intervention. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 106: 30-40
Bugental DB, Beaulieu D, Fowler E, et al. (2010) Reactivity to stress: When does a history of medical adversity foster resilience versus vulnerability? Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 40: 1385-1399
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