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Theodoro Koulis, Ph.D.

Statistics University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
"Theodoro Koulis"
Mean distance: 15.43 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree - MathTree


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Daniel J. Levitin post-doc 2006-2007 McGill
James O. Ramsay post-doc 2006-2007 McGill (PsychTree)
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McDonald S, Koulis T, Ehn J, et al. (2015) A functional regression model for predicting optical depth and estimating attenuation coefficients in sea-ice covers near Resolute Passage, Canada Annals of Glaciology. 56: 147-154
Koulis T, Paseka A, Thavaneswaran A. (2013) Recursive Estimation for Continuous Time Stochastic Volatility Models Using the Milstein Approximation Journal of Mathematical Finance. 3: 357-365
Koulis T, Thavaneswaran A. (2013) Inference for Interest Rate Models Using Milstein’s Approximation Journal of Mathematical Finance. 3: 110-118
Paseka A, Koulis T, Thavaneswaran A. (2012) Interest Rate Models Journal of Mathematical Finance. 2: 141-158
Koulis T, Ramsay JO, Levitin DJ. (2008) From zero to sixty: Calibrating real-time responses Psychometrika. 73: 321-339
Worsley KJ, Andermann M, Koulis T, et al. (1999) Detecting changes in nonisotropic images. Human Brain Mapping. 8: 98-101
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