Jennifer K. Roth

Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 
working memory
"Jennifer Roth"

I examine the component processes of working memory in humans, including updating, maintenance, and the effects of distraction on these components.

Mean distance: 15.11 (cluster 15)


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Patricia A. Carpenter research assistant 1997-2000 Carnegie Mellon
Marcel A. Just research assistant 1997-2000 Carnegie Mellon
Susan M. Courtney grad student 2000-2006 Johns Hopkins
 (Controlling the contents of working memory: Updating and maintaining items from different sources.)
R. Todd Constable post-doc 2006- Yale School of Medicine
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Roth JK, Johnson MK, Tokoglu F, et al. (2014) Modulating intrinsic connectivity: adjacent subregions within supplementary motor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and parietal cortex connect to separate functional networks during task and also connect during rest. Plos One. 9: e90672
Courtney SM, Roth JK, Sala JB. (2012) A hierarchical biased-competition model of domain-dependent working memory maintenance and executive control The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory
O'Hearn K, Roth JK, Courtney SM, et al. (2011) Object recognition in Williams syndrome: uneven ventral stream activation. Developmental Science. 14: 549-65
Hampson M, Driesen N, Roth JK, et al. (2010) Functional connectivity between task-positive and task-negative brain areas and its relation to working memory performance. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 28: 1051-7
Roth JK, Johnson MK, Raye CL, et al. (2009) Similar and dissociable mechanisms for attention to internal versus external information. Neuroimage. 48: 601-8
Roth J, Johnson M, Constable R. (2009) Functional connectivity results vary with different seeds within a functionally defined region Neuroimage. 47
Roth JK, Courtney SM. (2007) Neural system for updating object working memory from different sources: sensory stimuli or long-term memory. Neuroimage. 38: 617-30
Roth JK, Serences JT, Courtney SM. (2006) Neural system for controlling the contents of object working memory in humans. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 16: 1595-603
Newman SD, Just MA, Keller TA, et al. (2003) Differential effects of syntactic and semantic processing on the subregions of Broca's area. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 16: 297-307
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