Yale University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Zuhair I AbdullaCholinergic mechanisms of depression
Hiroshi Abedecision-making Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
George K. Aghajanian Daniel X. Freedman (post-doc)
Matthew Alsaloumion channels, pain Neuroscience20172021 Stephen G. Waxman (grad student)
Diego Alvarez de la RosaIon channels and nuclear receptors Cecilia Canessa (post-doc)
David AndrieuxComputational Neuroscience2008 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Salva ArdidTheoretical Neurobiology20082011 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Lorenzo Arvanitis2020 D J Vidyadhara (research assistant)
Katja AschenbrennerTaste, Smell, Eating Disorders2007 Dana M. Small (post-doc)
Pradeep P. AtluriSynaptic Plasticity, Neuropsychoanalysis20012002 David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Bradley J. BakerOptogenetics Cellular and Molecular Physiology Lawrence B. Cohen (research scientist)
Shrilatha Balakrishna Pharmacology20092014 Sven-Eric Jordt (post-doc)
Michael J. Bannondopamine transporter, tachykinins, RGSs, drug abuse19781982 Robert Henry Roth (grad student)
Russell J. Barrnett
Daniel Barson Neuroscience20162023 Michael James Higley (grad student), Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Susan J. Basergaribosomes
John Beauvais Richard C. Delaney (grad student)
Chandan Kumar Behera2021 George Dragoi (post-doc)
John M. BekkersSynaptic transmission, olfaction19861991 Charles F. Stevens (post-doc)
Morris Bell
Hadas Benisty2019 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
John Benjamin
Alberto BernacchiaComputational Neuroscience20082010 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Lisa Bertetto-D'Angelo2007 Mark Yeckel (post-doc)
Bret F. Bessac
Subhrajit BhattacharyaMemory Reconsolidation, Glutamate Receptor, Electrophysiology Genetics Davis Riese (research assistant)
Candace Bichsel
Ona E Bloomspinal cord injury, neuroscience, immunology Cell Biology, Immunology20022008 Ira Mellman (post-doc)
Hal Blumenfeldmechanisms of epilepsy
Christine Elizabeth Boone20072009 Mark Yeckel (research assistant)
Angelique Bordey
Marian Brackmann
T. Berry Brazelton Psychiatry Psychiatry19431945 Sally Provence (post-doc), John Benjamin (post-doc)
Jacob Brewer20112018 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullockneuroethology, sensory systems19411942 Harold Saxton Burr (post-doc)
Benjamin S. BunneyDopamine George K. Aghajanian (post-doc)
Joshua Burt20152020 John David Murray (grad student)
Allison Butt2018 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Ernesto G Cabezas-BouSensory-Motor Integration, Spinal Cord CPG's, Synaptic Plasticity, Behavior Neuroscience2017 Daniel A. Colon-Ramos (grad student)
Xinying Caidecision making20072009 Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
Cecilia CanessaASIC channels Diego Alvarez de la Rosa (collaborator)
Guan CaoCircadian rhythms, long-term synaptic plasticity, neuron-glia interaction Michael Nitabach (post-doc)
William A. Carlezon Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Stacy Castner Patricia Goldman-Rakic (post-doc)
Francesco CavarrettaOlfaction, Thalamus Neuroscience Gordon M. Shepherd (grad student)
Jesse M. CedarbaumNeruodegenerative disorders, clinical trials19741978 George K. Aghajanian (grad student)
Christine Cha
W. Knox ChandlerE-C coupling in skeletal muscle
Jeremy Tzung-Yi Chang Neuroscience20112017 Michael James Higley (grad student)
Cho H. Chang-HoonLigand-gated ion channels, 2PLSM functional imaging, epilepsy, trangenic mice, Calcium activated channels20052007 James R. Howe (post-doc)
Daniel Chase19992004 Michael R. Koelle (post-doc)
Narendranath Chintagari
Chiayu Chiu Neuroscience20102016 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Nakeirah Christie2018 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
J. Dylan Clynegenetically encoded optical reporters, ion channels20042007 Gero Miesenbock (post-doc)
Kevin M. CollinsNeurotransmitter signaling in C. elegans20062014 Michael R. Koelle (post-doc)
Jeffrey P. Conn19861988 Leonard K. Kaczmarek (post-doc)
Christopher P. Contardo20042006 Michael Westerveld (grad student)
Rachel Cooper2018 John David Murray (grad student)
Michael Joseph CrowleyEEG, ERP, oscillatory dynamics, self-regulation, ostracism, anxiety, depression, threat detection, adolescence Child Study Center20042008 Linda C. Mayes (post-doc)
Agnieszka Katarzyna Czopik Ruslan Medzhitov (grad student)
Deepak Cyril D'SouzaCannabis, THC, Schizophrenia
Anirban Das Neuroscience and Psychiatry Monika P. Jadi (post-doc)
Richard De La Garza, IIAddiction Neuroscience19992000 Robert Henry Roth (post-doc)
Nihal C. de LanerolleEpilepsy
Richard C. Delaney
Cameron DeLeoneCraving, Reward, Motivation Hedy Kober (research assistant)
Jose M.R. Delgadoremote electrical stimulation, brain control, psychiatric disease John Farquhar Fulton (post-doc)
Matthew DeSalvoEpilepsy20072009 Hal Blumenfeld (research assistant)
Adele Diamond Patricia Goldman-Rakic (post-doc)
Diana DiamondClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychiatry Jeri A. Doane (post-doc)
Elisa C. DiasSchizophrenia, Electrophysiology, executive function19891994 Charles Bruce (grad student)
Michael J. DifilippantonioCancer, Molecular Cytogenetics Genetics19901992 David Christian Ward (research assistant)
Marcello DiStasio
Jeri A. Doane
Daniel DoyleCortical Development2023 Kartik Pattabiraman (post-doc), Nenad Sestan (post-doc)
George DragoiHippocampus, learning and memory, coding
Ronald S. Dumandepression, antidepressants, neurogenesis Eric J. Nestler (collaborator), John Tallman (post-doc)
Vanja Duric Ronald S. Duman (post-doc)
Sophie DutheilNeuroscience, Public Health, Psychiatry, Neuropharmacology, Mental Health Psychiatry20122016 Ronald S. Duman (post-doc)
Jason M. Dwyer2009 Ronald S. Duman (grad student)
Daniel Ehrlich2015 John David Murray (grad student)
Amelia J. EischNeurobiology of motivated behaviors, dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex, adult neurogenesis19972000 Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Lynda El Hassar2007 Mark Yeckel (post-doc)
C. Neill Epperson Department of Psychiatry Lawrence H Price (research scientist)
Jasmine J. EscaleraPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Pharmacology20062010 Sven-Eric Jordt (grad student)
Lu Fan
Victoria H. Fanvision, neuroscience2020 Michael James Higley (grad student)
Usman Farooqhippocampus; neural coding George Dragoi (grad student)
David M. FelicianoNeural Stem Cells20082012 Angelique Bordey (post-doc)
Francisco Isaac Fernandes GomesPain; Pharmacology Neurology20222023 Stephen G. Waxman (grad student)
Robert Fernandez20132019 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Victoria Lynn Fishercomputational neuroscience, sensory processing, psychiatric disorders, multisensory integration Psychiatry20212023 Albert R. Powers (research assistant)
John FitzpatrickNeuroscience Mark Yeckel (post-doc)
Bradley S. FolleyNeuropsychology, creativity, schizophrenia, structural and functional brain imaging Godfrey Pearlson (post-doc)
Paul Forscher19861989 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Alexander Hawthorne FossAnxiety, face perception20072007 John David Herrington (research assistant)
Neil M. Fournierepilepsy, kindling, behaviour2010 Ronald S. Duman (post-doc)
Amanda J. FoustNeurobiology
Daniel X. Freedman Nicholas J. Giarman (post-doc)
Flavio Frohlich David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Moran FurmanEpilepsy, Consciousness, Computational Neuroscience, Vision20122008 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc), Hal Blumenfeld (post-doc)
Matthew P. GallowayNeuropharmacology, 1H-MRS, glutamate, gaba, dopamine, serotonin Psychiatry & Pharmacology19811984 John Reinhard (collaborator), Robert Henry Roth (post-doc)
Kathleen E. Garnet Psychiatry19891992 William S. Edell (research assistant)
Jason L. GerrardEpilepsy, learning, memory, movement disorders, basal ganglia, hippocampus
Daniel GeschwindAutism, Handedness, Development, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Microarrays Susan J. Hockfield (grad student)
Arko Ghoshmotor cortex, proprioception, cortical plasticity, spinal cord injury Nihal C. de Lanerolle (research assistant)
Nicholas J. GiarmanCNS pharmacology
Gerhard Giebisch
Keith E. GipsonNeuroscience
Teresa GiraldezBK channels, delta-ENaC channels20022005 Fred J. Sigworth (post-doc)
David Glahn
Patricia Goldman-RakicNeurobiology
Nicole Gong
Grahame Gould
Paul Greengardneurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs
Amiram GrinvaldVisual cortex, hemodynamic signals Lawrence B. Cohen (post-doc)
Daniel W. GrupeFMRI of anxiety disorders20052008 Robert T. Schultz (research assistant)
Qinglong Gu2018 John David Murray (post-doc)
Amit D. GujarNeurooncology Neurosurgery2012 Albert H. Kim (post-doc)
Jyoti Gupta2018 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
David A. HaflerMultiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology
Anna M. HagenstonNeuroscience
Bryan C. Hainsspinal cord injury, pain Stephen G. Waxman (post-doc)
Ira M. Hallhttps://medicine.yale.edu/profile/ira-hall/
Kristen R. HamiltonImpulsivity, Psychological Stress, Behavior
Michelle HampsonNeurofeedback, functional connectivity Teodora Stoica (collaborator)
Nathaniel W. HartmanNeural Stem Cells, Postnatal Electroporation, Embryonic stem cells Angelique Bordey (post-doc)
Patrick HartyIon channels19941997 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Tarik F. HaydarDown syndrome, Forebrain Development19972002 Pasko Rakic (post-doc)
Markus Helmer2016 John David Murray (post-doc)
Charlotte S HerberNavigation, learning, memory, electrophysiology, molecular and systems neuroscience20142018 Stephen M. Strittmatter (research assistant)
Daniel HertleNeurology Mark Yeckel (post-doc)
Peter HessCalcium Channels Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Grant P HigerdSodium channels, axonal trafficking
Michael James HigleySystems and Synaptic neuroscience
Adam Hill Neuroscience20102012 Michael James Higley (grad student)
Noboru Hiroinicotine dependence, autism, mental retardation, schizophrenia Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Tsz Wan Michelle HoSynaptic Plasticity Susumu Tomita (post-doc)
Joseph HoffmanDirect visualization of the membrane pool ATP
Catherine Hofler20052011 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Charles Hooker1823 Eli Ives (grad student)
Bruce T. HopeAddiction, neuronal ensembles Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Toshinori HoshiIon channels, Oxidative regulation19821986 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Amber Howell2018 John David Murray (grad student)
Xiaofang Huang
Ashiq HussainNeuroscience, Psychology, History
Zach Hutelinneuroscience Psychiatry Dana M. Small (research assistant)
Jae Yeon Hwang
Hada Fong-ha IeongNeuroimaging; opiate addiction; Pain Anesthesiology2019 Robert H. LaMotte (post-doc)
Masaaki IshiiVisual neuroscience, Synaptic Transmisson, mitochondria David Zenisek (post-doc)
Maria IulianoSynapse biology, synuclein, neurodegeneration Neurology2018 Thomas Biederer (grad student)
Eli Ives
Carrie L. IwemaDevelopment20012005 Charles A. Greer (post-doc)
Mark E. JacksonPrefrontal Cortex, Schizophrenia, Oscillations Bita Moghaddam (post-doc)
Monika P. Jadi
Craig E. Jahrglutamate receptors, glutamate transporters, synaptic transmission Charles F. Stevens (post-doc)
Sumit JamwalNeuropharmacology
Hank Jedema Bita Moghaddam (grad student)
Lu Jin20092016 Amy F. Arnsten (grad student)
Jason Karl Johannesenschizophenia, cognitive neuroscience
Christina Joselevitchretinal bipolar cells2008 David Zenisek (post-doc)
Madhuvanthi KannanCortex, GABAergic interneurons, Genetically encoded voltage indicators20132015 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Alanna R. Kaplan
Dhanasekaran Karthigeyan Tapas Kundu (grad student)
John S. KauerOlfaction19731976 Gordon M. Shepherd (post-doc)
Alan S. Kaufmanintelligence/IQ Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
John H. KehneCRF, GABA, psychopharmacology Michael Davis (grad student)
Kamila N. Kemenyfy-Rojas Neuroscience/Physiology2024 Elena O. Gracheva (grad student)
Soyoun Kimdecision making20052012 Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
Matthew R. Kleinman Neurobiology20092015 Daeyeol Lee (grad student)
Philip A. KnaufBiochemistry and Biophysics Joseph Hoffman (post-doc)
Michael R. KoelleG protein signaling, C. elegans, serotonin
Sergey A. KornilovNeurodevelopmental disorders, complex trait genetics, human genomics, epigenetics, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, language, reading, intelligence, psychometrics, cognition Child Study Center20142016 Elena L. Grigorenko (post-doc)
Bruce K. Krueger Paul Greengard (post-doc)
Santosh Kumar19982000 Michael R. Koelle (post-doc)
Michael Kunstcircadian, neuropeptides, neuroanatomy20082015 Michael Nitabach (post-doc)
Kenneth Y. KwanCortical development, neural circuit assembly, neurodevelopmental disorders20082013 Nenad Sestan (post-doc)
Alex C. Kwan
Benjamin Lacaradult neurogenesis, calcium activity, vasculature, neurotransmitter signaling20052010 Angelique Bordey (grad student)
Norman Lam20152020 John David Murray (grad student)
Robert H. LaMottesomatosensory, touch, itch, pain
Angelika Lampertvoltage-gated ion channels, pain20042007 Stephen G. Waxman (post-doc)
David Laubender Neuroscience20152016 Michael James Higley (research scientist)
Willem Laursen Elena O. Gracheva (grad student)
Daeyeol Leeneurophysiology
Trese Leinders-ZufallNeuroscience, Olfaction, Epithelium19921994 Jeffery D. Kocsis (post-doc), Stephen G. Waxman (post-doc)
Robert LevensonGPCR signaling
Ifat LevyfMRI
Tianbo Liion channels
Daming Li2017 John David Murray (grad student)
Robert Burr Livingstonneuroanatomy, neurophysiology
Chung-Chuan Locomputational neuroscience, neuroinformatics20042008 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Gyorgy Lur Neuroscience20112017 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Chao Machronic pain20092009 Robert H. LaMotte (post-doc), Robert H. LaMotte (collaborator)
Suzanne L. Macari
Daniel V. MadisonNeuroscience, Synaptic Physiology, Synaptic Plasticity19861988 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Nathalie Maria MalewiczPain, itch, ICU, anesthesiology, icuaw, cinm Anesthesiology Anesthesiology20192019 Robert H. LaMotte (post-doc), Hada Fong-ha Ieong (collaborator)
Gerard Joseph MarekPrefrontal cortex and 5-HT2A receptor/glutamate interactions Psychiatry19932001 George K. Aghajanian (post-doc)
Eleni A. MarkakisNeural progenitor cells, Neurodegeneration Pasko Rakic (post-doc), Jeffery D. Kocsis (research scientist)
Nikola T. MarkovSnesory systems, networks and physiology Neuroscience20112013 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Katherine MartushovaEpilepsy
John W. Mason
Naoyuki Matsumoto Hiroshi Kawasaki (post-doc)
Jonathan F. Mattanah Psychiatry19911993 William S. Edell (research assistant)
Carlos Mauriera David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Linda C. MayesNeurobehavioural Teratology, Infant Development, Neurophysiology, Child Psychoanalysis2001 Peter Jeffrey Snyder (collaborator)
Luke McGoldrick
U. J. McMahanSynapse Formation Russell J. Barrnett (grad student)
Ewan C. McNayHippocampus, Memory, Glucose, Insulin, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Brain metabolism20012008 Robert Stanley Sherwin (grad student)
Thomas S. McTavishComputational neuroscience
Bhupesh MehtaSynaptic Transmission Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology20092015 David Zenisek (post-doc)
Thomas J. MeliaMacroautophagy, autophagy
Maggie Mae MellVisual Cortex, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Humans, Image Processing20112015 Hedy Kober (research assistant)
Ira Milosevic neurophysiology, exocytosis, endocytosis, lipids, neuroscience Erwin Neher (grad student)
Hassan M. Minhas
William Chester Minor1863 Charles Hooker (grad student)
Andrew Moberly Neuroscience2019 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Bita MoghaddamSchizophrenia, learning Benjamin S. Bunney (post-doc)
James Monckton
Lisa M. Monteggia Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Katherine Sledge Moorevisual attention, memory20102012 Marvin M. Chun (post-doc)
Daniel Moreno-De-Luca
Kensaku MoriOlfactory system19781980 Gordon M. Shepherd (post-doc)
Thomas Marston MorseComputational Neuroscience, Neuroinformatics2019 Michael James Higley (research scientist)
Emil Chris MulyElectron Microscopy19931993 Patricia Goldman-Rakic (post-doc)
John David Murraycomputational neuroscience, computational psychiatry
Shanna Murray2016 Hyojung Seo (grad student)
Celeste Napier Benjamin S. Bunney (post-doc)
Richard Nassar19981999 Charles W. Bradberry (post-doc)
Samuel A. NeymotinComputational Neuroscience
Sang June Ohdecision making, prefrontal cortex20062008 Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
Jong-Nam Oh
Carolina Oliva David A. McCormick (grad student)
Ioan OprisCognitive Neurophysiology, Spinal Cord Injury, Neural Technology19992003 Charles Bruce (post-doc)
Miguel Ozorio de Almeida John Farquhar Fulton (research scientist)
Riccardo Parra Neuroscience20162018 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Warren Woodrich PettineComputational Psychiatry Neurobiology John David Murray (post-doc)
Vincent A. Pieribone
Robert H. PietrzakNeuropsychology, Neuropharmacology
Christopher J. Pittengerplasticity; basal ganglia; OCD; habit20052007 Ronald S. Duman (research scientist)
Jelena PlatisaGEVIs Vincent A. Pieribone (post-doc)
Morwenna Porter20092013 Michael R. Koelle (post-doc)
Shavanie Prashad2020 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Lawrence H Price Department of Psychiatry Dennis S. Charney (research scientist)
Jacob S PrinceCognitive neuroscience, visual system, machine learning, sensory perception Neurology20152019 Hal Blumenfeld (research assistant)
Sally Provence
Michael Purcaroneuroscience, bioinformatics Hal Blumenfeld (research assistant)
Alicja Puścianbehavioral neuroscience, neurophysiology, Neuroscience20172019 Michael James Higley (post-doc)
Rajiv RadhakrishnanSchizophrenia, THC, CB12010 Deepak Cyril D'Souza (post-doc)
Joaquim RaduaMeta-analyses, VBM, fMRI, neuropsychiatry Michelle Hampson (post-doc)
Kacey Rajkovich
Brian G. RashDevelopmental Neuroscience Neuroscience2011 Pasko Rakic (post-doc)
Andrew J. Read
Joseph Rebaudo2019 D J Vidyadhara (research assistant)
Davis Riese Daniel C. DiMaio (grad student)
Diana L. Robinsautism, emotion, toddler screening20022004 Robert T. Schultz (post-doc)
Hana RosNeurobiology20082009 Nenad Sestan (post-doc), David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Robert L. Rosenbergnicotinic receptors, Na channels, Ca channels, neural regeneration19851988 William S. Agnew (grad student), Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
William N. Ross Lawrence B. Cohen (post-doc)
Robert Henry RothNeuropsychopharmacology Nicholas J. Giarman (grad student)
Jennifer K. Rothworking memory2006 R. Todd Constable (post-doc)
Sara E. Royston Ronald S. Duman (research assistant)
Kristin J. RudengaChemical Senses, Addiction, Eating Behavior
Noam Rudnick20052007 Mark Yeckel (research assistant)
Peter S Salvino Neurology20192020 Hal Blumenfeld (research assistant)
David W. SalzmanRNA, microRNA, molecular biology, genetics, radiation therapy, translational science Radiation Oncology20092014 Joanne B. Weidhaas (post-doc)
Dan H. Sanesdevelopment and plasticity of the auditory system Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Preeti F. Sareen Michael Nitabach (post-doc)
Matthew R. SarkisianAging & Memory Loss,Neurodevelopment, Cortical Malformation, in utero Gene Transfer,Cilia, Brain Tumors2002 Pasko Rakic (post-doc)
Neil K Savalia
Martin F. SchneiderE-C coupling in muscle and Ca2+ signals in sympathetic neurons W. Knox Chandler (post-doc)
Eve R. SchneiderCerebellum, Dendrites, Ion channels, Hibernation, Mechanotransduction, Development Cellular & Molecular Physiology Cellular & Molecular Physiology20132018 Sviatoslav Bagriantsev (post-doc), Elena O. Gracheva (post-doc)
Daniel Scottnicotine dependence20112013 Jane R. Taylor (post-doc)
Esra Sefikschizophrenia, autism, genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, copy number variation, cerebellar development, synaptic maturation Department of Psychiatry20152017 Deepak Cyril D'Souza (research assistant)
Lynn D. Selemon
Hyojung Seodecision making2006 Daeyeol Lee (research scientist)
Ayushe Alicia SharmaEpilepsy
Ashish Shelar
Ashish Shelar2019 Michael R. Koelle (post-doc)
Robert Stanley SherwinDiabetes
Ki Eun (Kay) Shin Christine Cha (post-doc)
Shaina M. ShortNeurobiology2013 Gordon M. Shepherd (post-doc)
William Sledge
Amanda A. SleeperNeuroscience
John F. Smiley Patricia Goldman-Rakic (post-doc)
Daniel Raphael Snyderfrontal lobe function, social cognitive neuroscience, neurotoxicology, electrical brain stimulation studies Jose M.R. Delgado (post-doc)
Hansem Sohn20132015 Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
lei songAuditory Physiology
Halie Sonnenschein2019 Michael R. Koelle (grad student)
Daniel J. Spergelcarotid body, hypothalamus (GnRH and MCH neurons), intrinsic cardiac nervous system Neurosurgery Neuroscience20212020 Anthony van den Pol (research scientist), Rui B. Chang (research scientist)
Emma Sprooten David Glahn (post-doc)
Munirathinam SubramaniOlfactory system, Olfactory tract regeneration, neuronal plasticity, neurodegenerative disease, neuroprotection, nerve growth
Aiwei Sui Pharmacology20102014 Sven-Eric Jordt (research assistant)
Zhicheng 'George' Sunsynaptic transmission, genome editing, cognitive neuroscience, neurodegeneration
John Tallmanpharmacology, damage & disease
Lan TangNeural circuitry Neuroscience20142019 Michael James Higley (grad student)
Martin Teicher Pediatric Neurology19771981 Bennett A. Shaywitz (post-doc)
Mary M. Tomayko
Elizabeth W. Triche
James S. TrimmerIon channels William S. Agnew (post-doc)
Richard W. Tsiencalcium channel physiology and function in heart and neurons
Jason Tucciarone Douglas L. Rothman (research assistant)
Lucas S. Van OrdenMonoamines, immunohistochemistry1966 Nicholas J. Giarman (grad student)
Ganesh Vasan Vincent A. Pieribone (post-doc)
Marga VeldhuizenGustation, Olfaction,2006 Dana M. Small (post-doc)
Deepa V. VenkitaramaniAlzheimer's disease, Neurodegeneration, Fragile X Syndrome, Autism, Intellectual disabilities20052008 Paul J. Lombroso (post-doc)
Mariano Sebastian ViapianoNeuroscience, Extracellular Matrix Susan J. Hockfield (post-doc)
D J VidyadharaParkinson's disease, Neuroscience Neurology & Neuroscience2018 Sreeganga S. Chandra (post-doc)
Martin Adrianus Vinckneural coding, vision, hippocampus, computation, behavioral state, functional connectivity, cell types, oscillations, synchronization, machine learning, predictive coding20142016 Jessica A. Cardin (post-doc)
Dejan Vucinicimaging, olfaction20022003 Lawrence B. Cohen (post-doc)
David WalkerFear, Learning Michael Davis (post-doc)
Judith WaltersBasal ganglia, dopamine Robert Henry Roth (grad student), George K. Aghajanian (grad student)
Rex Wangmonoamine electrophysiology George K. Aghajanian (post-doc)
Zhong Wang David A. McCormick (grad student)
Xiao-Jing Wangcomputational neuroscience
Xiang Ethan Wang INP2018 Monika P. Jadi (grad student)
Huafeng Wang20182022 Jean-Ju L. Chung (post-doc)
Tse-en Wang
Karen A. WehnerRNA19962002 Susan J. Baserga (grad student)
Joanne B. Weidhaas
Stephanie E Wemmaddiction, psychophysiology, stress, gambling, alcohol Psychiatry2017 Rajita Sinha (post-doc)
Michael Westerveld
Michael Wiederholt Physiology Gerhard Giebisch (post-doc)
Gisela F. Wilson Leonard K. Kaczmarek (post-doc)
Anderson M. WinklerBrain imaging20082011 David C. Glahn (post-doc)
Marcus Woelfel David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Scott Woods
Tian XuGenetic methods, Cancer biology, Obesity Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (grad student)
Yao XueRetina Physiology Ophthalmology and Visual Science2018 Jimmy Zhou (grad student)
Mark YeckelCellular Neurophysiology
Rachel Yehuda19871989 John W. Mason (post-doc)
Gary YellenIon Channel Biophysics, Metabolism and Excitability19791984 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
David ZenisekVisual neuroscience, Synaptic Transmisson
Samuel Shaomin ZhangVision, STAT, Retina Development and Diseases, Genetics, Epigenetics, Bioinformatics Department of Pathology Colin J. Barnstable (research scientist), Xin-Yuan Fu (post-doc)
Qiancheng ZhaoNeuroscience
Jimmy ZhouNeuroscience Biology, General Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology