Kathryn E. Woods, Ph.D.

2011 Educational Psychology The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Kathryn Woods"
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Susan M. Sheridan grad student 2011 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Examining the effect of medical risk, parental stress, and self-efficacy on parent behaviors and the home environment of premature children.)
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Clarke BL, Sheridan SM, Woods KE. (2014) Conjoint behavioral consultation: Implementing a tiered home-school partnership model to promote school readiness Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community. 42: 300-314
Chronis-Tuscano A, Lewis-Morrarty E, Woods KE, et al. (2013) Parent-child Interaction Therapy With Emotion Coaching for Preschoolers With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Semke CA, Garbacz SA, Kwon K, et al. (2010) Family involvement for children with disruptive behaviors: the role of parenting stress and motivational beliefs. Journal of School Psychology. 48: 293-312
Sheridan SM, Warnes ED, Woods KE, et al. (2009) An exploratory evaluation of conjoint behavioral consultation to promote collaboration among family, school, and pediatric systems: A role for pediatric school psychologists Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 19: 106-129
Garbacz SA, Woods KE, Swanger-Gagné MS, et al. (2008) The Effectiveness of a Partnership-Centered Approach in Conjoint Behavioral Consultation School Psychology Quarterly. 23: 313-326
Ellis CR, Lutz RE, Schaefer GB, et al. (2007) Physician collaboration involving students with autism spectrum disorders Psychology in the Schools. 44: 737-747
Casas JF, Weigel SM, Crick NR, et al. (2006) Early parenting and children's relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 27: 209-227
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