Nancy E. Dib, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Behavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Music Education
"Nancy Dib"
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Peter Sturmey grad student 2010 CUNY
 (The effect of general -case training, instructions, feedback, and rehearsal on the acquisition of music sight -reading by advanced flute students.)
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Dib NE, Sturmey P. (2011) Effects of general-case training, instructions, rehearsal, and feedback on the reduction of sight-reading errors by competent musicians. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 44: 599-604
Dib N, Sturmey P. (2007) Reducing student stereotypy by improving teachers' implementation of discrete-trial teaching. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 40: 339-43
Dib NE, Sturmey P. (2007) The effects of verbal instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback on correct posture during flute playing. Behavior Modification. 31: 382-8
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