Edwin G. Boring

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Sensation and perception
"Edwin Boring"

(1886 - 1968)
Boring, Edwin Garrigues, The sensations of the alimentary canal, Worcester (1915) is available online at the Hathi Trust Digital Library

Mean distance: 12.84 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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J P. Guilford grad student
Edward Bradford Titchener grad student 1914-1918 Cornell


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Thelma Alper grad student Harvard
Pablo I. Altieri, II, M.D. grad student Harvard
E.B. Newman grad student Harvard
Carroll C. Pratt grad student Clark University
William C. H. Prentice grad student Harvard (Evolution Tree)
Mark Rosenzweig grad student Harvard
Burrhus Frederic Skinner grad student Harvard
Stanley Smith Stevens grad student Harvard
Charles K. Trueblood grad student Harvard (Hypnotree)
Matusaburo Yokoyama grad student
Leo Hurvich grad student 1914 Harvard
Harry Helson grad student 1924 Harvard
Cooper Harold Langford grad student 1924 Harvard (MathTree)
John Gilbert Beebe-Center grad student 1926 Harvard
Ernest Glen Wever grad student 1926 Harvard
Donald Ramsdell grad student 1928 (PsychTree)
Fred Simmons Keller grad student 1931 Harvard
Dorwin Cartwright grad student 1940 (PsychTree)
Donald W. Taylor grad student 1943 Harvard (PsychTree)
Bertram Scharf grad student 1958 Harvard
William A. Hunt grad student 1931-1986 Harvard


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Lucy M. Boring collaborator Cornell (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Annin EL, Boring EG. (1966) Psychological necrology (1953-1964). Psychological Bulletin. 65: 193-8
BENNETT S, BORING EG. (1954) Psychological necrology; 1928-1952. Psychological Bulletin. 51: 75-81
EDWARDS W, BORING EG. (1951) What is Emmert's law? The American Journal of Psychology. 64: 416-22
Boring EG. (1951) Gestalt psychology: Its nature and significance. Psychological Bulletin. 48: 177-180
STEVENS SS, BORING EG. (1947) The new Harvard psychological laboratories. The American Psychologist. 2: 239-43
Boring EG, Bridgman PW, Feigl H, et al. (1945) Rejoinders and second thoughts Psychological Review. 52: 278-294
Helson H, Boring EG. (1944) Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology The American Journal of Psychology. 57: 97
Farnsworth PS, Boring EG, Water MVD. (1943) Psychology for the Fighting Man. American Sociological Review. 8: 733
Boring EG. (1942) The Psychology of Perception: Its Importance in the War Effort American Journal of Psychology. 55: 423
Taylor DW, Boring EG. (1942) The Moon Illusion as a Function of Binocular Regard The American Journal of Psychology. 55: 189
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