Mark Schmuckler

Psychology University of Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Infant development, music perception
"Mark Schmuckler"
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Schmuckler MA, Vuvan DT, Lewandowska OP. (2020) Aggregate context effects in music processing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Prince JB, Tan SEJ, Schmuckler MA. (2019) Listeners perceive complex pitch-temporal structure in melodies. Memory & Cognition
Jowkar-Baniani G, Paolozza A, Greene A, et al. (2017) Infants' perceptions of constraints on object motion as a function of object shape. Cognition. 165: 126-136
Prince JB, Vuvan DT, Schmuckler MA, et al. (2015) Tonal priming is resistant to changes in pitch height. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Vuvan DT, Podolak OM, Schmuckler MA. (2014) Memory for musical tones: the impact of tonality and the creation of false memories. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 582
Mangalindan DM, Schmuckler MA, Li SA. (2014) The impact of object carriage on independent locomotion. Infant Behavior & Development. 37: 76-85
Jowkar-Baniani G, Schmuckler MA. (2014) The role of stimulus novelty on children's inflexible dimensional switching. Child Development. 85: 1373-84
Prince JB, Schmuckler MA. (2014) The tonal-metric hierarchy: A corpus analysis Music Perception. 31: 254-270
Jowkar-Baniani G, Schmuckler MA. (2013) The role of perceptual similarity of the task environments in children's perseverative responding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 116: 640-58
Jowkar-Baniani G, Schmuckler MA. (2011) Picture Perception in Infants: Generalization From Two-Dimensional to Three-Dimensional Displays. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 16: 211-226
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