Sara D. Beach

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
neuroscience, learning
"Sara Beach"
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John D.E. Gabrieli research assistant 2011-2014 MIT
John D.E. Gabrieli grad student 2014- MIT; Harvard
BETA: Related publications


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Beach SD, Tang DL, Kiran S, et al. (2024) Pars Opercularis Underlies Efferent Predictions and Successful Auditory Feedback Processing in Speech: Evidence From Left-Hemisphere Stroke. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 5: 454-483
Ozernov-Palchik O, Qi Z, Beach SD, et al. (2023) Intact procedural memory and impaired auditory statistical learning in adults with dyslexia. Neuropsychologia. 108638
Beach SD, Ozernov-Palchik O, May SC, et al. (2022) The Neural Representation of a Repeated Standard Stimulus in Dyslexia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 823627
Ozernov-Palchik O, Beach SD, Brown M, et al. (2021) Speech-specific perceptual adaptation deficits in children and adults with dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Beach SD, Lim SJ, Cardenas-Iniguez C, et al. (2021) Electrophysiological correlates of perceptual prediction error are attenuated in dyslexia. Neuropsychologia. 108091
Beach SD, Ozernov-Palchik O, May SC, et al. (2021) Neural Decoding Reveals Concurrent Phonemic and Subphonemic Representations of Speech Across Tasks. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 2: 254-279
Norton ES, Beach SD, Eddy MD, et al. (2021) ERP Mismatch Negativity Amplitude and Asymmetry Reflect Phonological and Rapid Automatized Naming Skills in English-Speaking Kindergartners. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 624617
Yu X, Zuk J, Perdue MV, et al. (2020) Putative protective neural mechanisms in prereaders with a family history of dyslexia who subsequently develop typical reading skills. Human Brain Mapping
Centanni TM, Norton ES, Ozernov-Palchik O, et al. (2019) Disrupted left fusiform response to print in beginning kindergartners is associated with subsequent reading. Neuroimage. Clinical. 22: 101715
Ozernov-Palchik O, Norton ES, Wang Y, et al. (2018) The relationship between socioeconomic status and white matter microstructure in pre-reading children: A longitudinal investigation. Human Brain Mapping
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