Brooke R. Ingersoll, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Special Education
"Brooke Ingersoll"
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Laura Schreibman grad student 2003 UCSD
 (Teaching children with autism to imitate using a naturalistic treatment approach: Effects on imitation, language, play, and social behaviors.)
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Ingersoll B, Howard M, Oosting D, et al. (2024) Adapting measures of motor imitation for use by caregivers in virtual contexts: Reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research
Ingersoll B, Frost KM, Straiton D, et al. (2024) Telehealth coaching in Project ImPACT indirectly affects children's expressive language ability through parent intervention strategy use and child intentional communication: An RCT. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research
Petruccelli M, Howard M, Morelos A, et al. (2024) Employing user-centered design to develop a remote technology kit for studying young children's social communication skills. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Ingersoll B, Frost KM, Straiton D, et al. (2023) Relative Efficacy of Self-directed and Therapist-assisted Telehealth Models of a Parent-mediated Intervention for Autism: Examining Effects on Parent Intervention Fidelity, Well-being, and Program Engagement. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Pomales-Ramos A, Tokish H, Howard M, et al. (2023) A mixed-methods examination of clinicians' perceived barriers to telehealth delivered applied behavior analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1173644
Frost KM, Ingersoll B, Venker CE. (2022) Revisiting the simplification of adult language input in the context of naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions: A commentary. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research
Frost KM, Pomales-Ramos A, Ingersoll B. (2022) Brief Report: Response to Joint Attention and Object Imitation as Predictors of Expressive and Receptive Language Growth Rate in Young Children on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Edmunds SR, Frost KM, Sheldrick RC, et al. (2022) A method for defining the CORE of a psychosocial intervention to guide adaptation in practice: Reciprocal imitation teaching as a case example. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 13623613211064431
Frost KM, Russell K, Ingersoll B. (2021) Using qualitative content analysis to understand the active ingredients of a parent-mediated naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 25: 1935-1945
Berger NI, Wainer AL, Kuhn J, et al. (2021) Characterizing Available Tools for Synchronous Virtual Assessment of Toddlers with Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Brief Report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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