Srishti Nayak

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Bilingualism, Executive Function, Developmental Neuroscience, Psycholinguistics
"Srishti Nayak"
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Lopera-Perez DC, Nayak S, Stangier G, et al. (2022) Infants' neural sensitivity to social interactions varies by income and infant-directed speech. Developmental Psychobiology. 64: e22265
Nayak S, Salem HZ, Tarullo AR. (2020) Neural mechanisms of response-preparation and inhibition in bilingual and monolingual children: Lateralized Readiness Potentials (LRPs) during a nonverbal Stroop task. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 41: 100740
Nayak S, Tarullo AR. (2020) Error-related negativity (ERN) and ‘hot’ executive function in bilingual and monolingual preschoolers Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23: 897-908
Tarullo AR, Nayak S, St John AM, et al. (2018) Performance Effects of Reward-Related Feedback on the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1-5
Kao K, Nayak S, Doan SN, et al. (2018) Relations between parent EF and child EF: The role of socioeconomic status and parenting on executive functioning in early childhood. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 4: 122-137
Nayak S, Singh I, Caldwell-Harris C. (2016) Familiarity, comprehension and use of Indian Englishonly English World-Wide. 37: 267-292
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