Nicholas L. Vasilopoulos, PhD
Affiliations: | 1999-2009 | Psychology / Organizational Sciences | George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States |
2010- | Psychology | US Department of Defense |
Industrial and Organizational PsychologyGoogle:
"Nicholas Vasilopoulos"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add mentorSeymour Adler | grad student | 1989- | Stevens Institute of Technology (IOTree) |
Richard R. Reilly | grad student | 1992-1997 | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Sign in to add traineeAdam B. Malamut | grad student | 2002 | The George Washington University |
Heather M. Prather | grad student | 2005 | The George Washington University |
Jeffrey M. Cucina | grad student | 2006 | The George Washington University |
Rebecca Goldenberg | grad student | 2008 | The George Washington University |
Megan N. Shaw | grad student | 2015 | The George Washington University |
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Cucina JM, Vasilopoulos NL, Su C, et al. (2018) The Effects of Empirical Keying of Personality Measures on Faking and Criterion-Related Validity Journal of Business and Psychology. 34: 337-356 |
Cucina JM, Vasilopoulos NL, DeCostanza AH. (2017) Using Principal Component Scores to Enhance the Validity and Reliability of Big Five Personality Measures Journal of Individual Differences. 38: 83-93 |
Cucina JM, Martin NR, Vasilopoulos NL, et al. (2012) Self-serving bias effects on job analysis ratings. The Journal of Psychology. 146: 511-31 |
Vasilopoulos NL, Cucina JM, Hunter AE. (2007) Personality and training proficiency: Issues of bandwidth-fidelity and curvilinearity Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 80: 109-131 |
Vasilopoulos NL, Cucina JM, Dyomina NV, et al. (2006) Forced-choice personality tests: A measure of personality and cognitive ability? Human Performance. 19: 175-199 |
Vasilopoulos NL, Cucina JM, McElreath JM. (2005) Do warnings of response verification moderate the relationship between personality and cognitive ability? The Journal of Applied Psychology. 90: 306-22 |
Cucina JM, Vasilopoulos NL. (2005) Nonlinear personality-performance relationships and the spurious moderating effects of traitedness. Journal of Personality. 73: 227-59 |
Vasilopoulos NL, Cucina JM, Hayes TL. (2005) Using response accuracy and latency scores from an artificial language test to predict grades in a spanish language course International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 13: 92-95 |
Cucina JM, Vasilopoulos NL, Sehgal K. (2005) Personality-based job analysis and the self-serving bias Journal of Business and Psychology. 20: 275-290 |
Vasilopoulos NL, Reilly RR, Leaman JA. (2000) The influence of job familiarity and impression management on self-report measure scale scores and response latencies. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 85: 50-64 |