Madeline E. Heilman

Psychology New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational, Gender Studies, Women's Studies
"Madeline Heilman"
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Brian Welle grad student 2004 NYU
Michelle C. Haynes grad student 2006 NYU
William S. Battle grad student 2008 NYU
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm grad student 2009 NYU
Suzette Caleo grad student 2012 NYU
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Nater C, Eagly AH, Heilman ME, et al. (2024) Emphasizing the Communal Demands of a Leader Role Makes Job Interviews Less Stressful for Women But Not More Successful. Sex Roles. 90: 1506-1520
Manzi F, Caleo S, Heilman ME. (2024) Unfit or disliked: How descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotypes lead to discrimination against women. Current Opinion in Psychology. 60: 101928
Zehnter MK, Manzi F, Shrout PE, et al. (2021) Belief in sexism shift: Defining a new form of contemporary sexism and introducing the belief in sexism shift scale (BSS scale). Plos One. 16: e0248374
Zehnter MK, Manzi F, Shrout PE, et al. (2021) Belief in sexism shift: Defining a new form of contemporary sexism and introducing the belief in sexism shift scale (BSS scale). Plos One. 16: e0248374
Toneva Y, Heilman ME, Pierre G. (2020) Choice or circumstance: When are women penalized for their success? Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Hentschel T, Heilman ME, Peus CV. (2019) The Multiple Dimensions of Gender Stereotypes: A Current Look at Men's and Women's Characterizations of Others and Themselves. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 11
Caleo S, Heilman ME. (2019) What could go wrong? Some unintended consequences of gender bias interventions. Archives of Scientific Psychology. 7: 71-80
Heilman ME, Manzi F, Caleo S. (2019) Updating impressions: The differential effects of new performance information on evaluations of women and men Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 152: 105-121
Heilman ME, Caleo S. (2018) Combatting gender discrimination: A lack of fit framework Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 21: 725-744
Morgenroth T, Heilman ME. (2017) Should I stay or should I go? Implications of maternity leave choice for perceptions of working mothers Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 72: 53-56
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