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Karen S. Jakes

Physiology & Biophysics Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 
Molecular biology of Colicin channels
"Karen Jakes"
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Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree

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Jakes KS. (2016) The Colicin E1 TolC Box: Identification of a Domain Required for Colicin E1 Cytotoxicity and TolC Binding. Journal of Bacteriology
Jakes KS, Zakharov SD, Wang XS, et al. (2015) Probing the Cellular Entry Pathway via TolC of the Cytotoxin, Colicin E1 Biophysical Journal. 108: 373a
Jakes KS. (2014) Daring to be different: colicin N finds another way. Molecular Microbiology. 92: 435-9
Jakes KS. (2013) Translocation of TonB Dependent Colicins Biophysical Journal. 104: 113a
Jakes KS. (2012) Translocation trumps receptor binding in colicin entry into Escherichia coli. Biochemical Society Transactions. 40: 1443-8
Jakes KS, Cramer WA. (2012) Border crossings: colicins and transporters. Annual Review of Genetics. 46: 209-31
Udho E, Jakes KS, Finkelstein A. (2012) TonB-dependent transporter FhuA in planar lipid bilayers: partial exit of its plug from the barrel. Biochemistry. 51: 6753-9
Basilio D, Jennings-Antipov LD, Jakes KS, et al. (2011) Trapping a translocating protein within the anthrax toxin channel: implications for the secondary structure of permeating proteins. The Journal of General Physiology. 137: 343-56
Jakes KS, Finkelstein A. (2011) Dissecting the Pathway for Colicin Ia Translocation across the E. coli Outer Membrane Biophysical Journal. 100: 133a
Jakes KS, Finkelstein A. (2010) The colicin Ia receptor, Cir, is also the translocator for colicin Ia. Molecular Microbiology. 75: 567-78
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