Yasser Roudi

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
 NTNU, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway 
Computational neuroscience
"Yasser Roudi"
Mean distance: 13.17 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree

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Schönsberg F, Roudi Y, Treves A. (2021) Efficiency of Local Learning Rules in Threshold-Linear Associative Networks. Physical Review Letters. 126: 018301
Tombaz T, Dunn BA, Hovde K, et al. (2020) Action representation in the mouse parieto-frontal network. Scientific Reports. 10: 5559
Cubero RJ, Marsili M, Roudi Y. (2020) Multiscale relevance and informative encoding in neuronal spike trains. Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Monsalve-Mercado MM, Roudi Y. (2019) Hippocampal spike-time correlations and place field overlaps during open field foraging. Hippocampus
Cubero RJ, Jo J, Marsili M, et al. (2019) Statistical criticality arises in most informative representations Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2019: 063402
Cubero RJ, Marsili M, Roudi Y. (2018) Minimum Description Length Codes Are Critical. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 20
Cubero R, Marsili M, Roudi Y. (2018) Minimum Description Length Codes Are Critical Entropy. 20: 755
Kanter BR, Lykken CM, Avesar D, et al. (2017) A Novel Mechanism for the Grid-to-Place Cell Transformation Revealed by Transgenic Depolarization of Medial Entorhinal Cortex Layer II. Neuron. 93: 1480-1492.e6
Battistin C, Dunn B, Roudi Y. (2017) Learning with unknowns: Analyzing biological data in the presence of hidden variables Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 1: 122-128
Rowland DC, Roudi Y, Moser MB, et al. (2016) Ten Years of Grid Cells. Annual Review of Neuroscience
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