Kavitha Srinivas, PhD

Psychology Rice University, Houston, TX 
Human Memory
"Kavitha Srinivas"
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Dolby J, Fokoue A, Kalyanpur A, et al. (2009) Scalable highly expressive reasoner (SHER) Journal of Web Semantics. 7: 357-361
Rajaram S, Srinivas K, Travers S. (2001) The effects of attention on perceptual implicit memory. Memory & Cognition. 29: 920-30
Srinivas K, Culp D, Rajaram S. (2000) On associations between computers and restaurants: rapid learning of new associations on a conceptual implicit memory test. Memory & Cognition. 28: 900-6
Schwoebel J, Srinivas K. (2000) Recognizing objects seen from novel viewpoints: effects of view similarity and time. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 26: 915-28
Srinivas K, Verfaellie M. (2000) Orientation Effects in Amnesics' Recognition Memory: Familiarity-Based Access to Object Attributes Journal of Memory and Language. 43: 274-290
Srinivas K, Ogas J. (1999) Disorders of somesthetic recognition: A theoretical review Neurocase. 5: 83-93
Srinivas K, Schwoebel J. (1998) Generalization to novel views from view combination. Memory & Cognition. 26: 768-79
Rajaram S, Srinivas K, Roediger HL. (1998) A transfer-appropriate processing account of context effects in word-fragment completion Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 24: 993-1004
Srinivas K, Breedin SD, Coslett HB, et al. (1997) Intact perceptual priming in a patient with damage to the anterior inferior temporal lobes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 9: 490-511
Easton RD, Srinivas K, Greene AJ. (1997) Do vision and haptics share common representations? Implicit and explicit memory within and between modalities. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 23: 153-63
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