Harry T. Lawless

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
taste, psychophysics
"Harry Lawless"
Mean distance: 16.6 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Trygg Engen grad student 1974-1978 Brown


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Jennifer Elgrim grad student 1994 Cornell (PsychTree)
Jeannine Delwiche grad student 1993-1997 Cornell
Thomas W. Neuhaus grad student 2000 Cornell
John E. Hayes grad student 1998-2000 Cornell
Cathy A. Pelletier grad student 2002 Cornell
Juyun Lim grad student 2005 Cornell
Juyun Lim grad student 2002-2005 Cornell (PsychTree)
Effie M. Epke (Nestrud) grad student 2005-2007 Cornell
Kristine C. Yu grad student 2005-2007 Cornell
Scott T. McClure grad student 2007-2008 Cornell
Michael A. Nestrud grad student 2008-2011 Cornell
BETA: Related publications


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Lawless HT, Patel AA, Lopez NV. (2016) Mixed Messages: Ambiguous Penalty Information in Modified Restaurant Menu Items. Food Quality and Preference. 52: 232-236
Jaeger SR, de Silva HN, Lawless HT. (2014) Detection Thresholds of 10 Odor-active Compounds Naturally Occurring in Food Using a Replicated Forced-Choice Ascending Method of Limits Journal of Sensory Studies. 29: 43-55
Hough G, Methven L, Lawless HT. (2013) Survival Analysis Statistics Applied to Threshold Data Obtained from the Ascending Forced-Choice Method of Limits Journal of Sensory Studies. 28: 414-421
Sinopoli DA, Lawless HT. (2012) Taste properties of potassium chloride alone and in mixtures with sodium chloride using a check-all-that-apply method. Journal of Food Science. 77: S319-22
Nestrud MA, Ennis JM, Lawless HT. (2012) A group level validation of the supercombinatorality property: Finding high-quality ingredient combinations using pairwise information Food Quality and Preference. 25: 23-28
Nestrud MA, Lawless HT. (2011) Recovery of subsampled dimensions and configurations derived from napping data by MFA and MDS. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73: 1266-78
Nestrud MA, Ennis JM, Fayle CM, et al. (2011) Validating A Graph Theoretic Screening Approach To Food Item Combinations Journal of Sensory Studies. 26: 331-338
Boran G, Lawless HT, Regenstein JM. (2010) Effects of extraction conditions on the sensory and instrumental characteristics of fish gelatin gels. Journal of Food Science. 75: S469-76
Chapman KW, Lovelace E, Cardello A, et al. (2010) Preference for one of two identical stimuli: Expectations, explicit instructions and personal traits Journal of Sensory Studies. 25: 35-53
Lawless HT, Sinopoli D, Chapman KW. (2010) A comparison of the labeled affective magnitude scale and the 9-point hedonic scale and examination of categorical behavior Journal of Sensory Studies. 25: 54-66
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