Tyler L. Renshaw, Ph.D.

2011 Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Middle School Education
"Tyler Renshaw"
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Shane R. Jimerson grad student 2011 UC Santa Barbara
 (Effects of the Promoting Positive Peer Relationships---Classroom Resource on Student Attitudes Toward Bullying and Perceptions of School Bullying Supports.)
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Renshaw TL, Bolognino SJ, Clark KN. (2024) Exploring a dual-factor mental health screening model with children in grades 5-10. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.)
Cohen KA, Ito S, Ahuvia IL, et al. (2024) Brief School-Based Interventions Targeting Student Mental Health or Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
Nygaard MA, Renshaw TL, Ormiston HE, et al. (2023) Importance, quality, and engagement: School mental health providers' perceptions regarding within-district transition care coordination practices. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.)
Kiperman S, Clark K, Renshaw TL, et al. (2023) Guidelines toward more socially just mental health screening in schools. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.)
Phan ML, Renshaw TL. (2023) Guidelines for implementing and adapting evidence-based interventions with marginalized youth in schools. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Zadworna M, Kossakowska K, Renshaw TL. (2022) Measuring Subjective Wellbeing in a School Context: A Polish Version of the Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire. School Mental Health. 1-16
Phan ML, Renshaw TL, Caramanico J, et al. (2022) Mindfulness-based school interventions: A systematic review of outcome evidence quality by study design. Mindfulness. 13: 1591-1613
Zhang DC, Renshaw TL. (2020) Personality and College Student Subjective Wellbeing: A Domain-Specific Approach Journal of Happiness Studies. 21: 997-1014
Roberson AJ, Renshaw TL. (2019) Initial Development and Validation of the Student Wellbeing Teacher-Report Scale School Mental Health. 11: 578-599
Klingbeil DA, Renshaw TL. (2018) Mindfulness-based interventions for teachers: A meta-analysis of the emerging evidence base. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 33: 501-511
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