Shane R. Jimerson
Affiliations: | Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
Educational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Multilingual EducationGoogle:
"Shane Jimerson"Mean distance: 6286.24
Sign in to add traineeTraci Marx | grad student | 2004 | UC Santa Barbara |
Gabrielle E. Anderson | grad student | 2005 | UC Santa Barbara |
Amber M. Klein | grad student | 2005 | UC Santa Barbara |
Sharon R. Noble | grad student | 2005 | UC Santa Barbara |
Francisco Rocco | grad student | 2005 | UC Santa Barbara |
Lisa R. Figueroa | grad student | 2007 | UC Santa Barbara |
Kelly S. Graydon | grad student | 2007 | UC Santa Barbara |
Sarah M. Pletcher | grad student | 2008 | UC Santa Barbara |
Angela D. Blaver | grad student | 2009 | UC Santa Barbara |
Mary A. Skokut | grad student | 2009 | UC Santa Barbara |
James A. Earhart | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara |
Shelley R. Hart | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara |
Meagan D. O'Malley | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara |
Tyler L. Renshaw | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara |
Skye W. Stifel | grad student | 2013 | UC Santa Barbara |
Matthew A. Ruderman | grad student | 2014 | UC Santa Barbara |
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Wang H, Jimerson S, Saiding A, et al. (2024) The longitudinal effect of perceived social support on school engagement: A multiple mediation model examining the role of emotion regulation and left-behind status. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.) |
Volpe RJ, Chafouleas SM, Gonzalez J, et al. (2022) The science of school psychologists: Developing a standard definition. Journal of School Psychology. 94: A1-A12 |
La Salle TP, Rocha-Neves J, Jimerson S, et al. (2021) A multinational study exploring adolescent perception of school climate and mental health. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). 36: 155-166 |
Yang C, Chan M, Chen C, et al. (2021) Parental perceptions of school climate in the United States and China: Advancing cross-country understanding. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). 36: 24-33 |
Jimerson SR, Arora P, Blake JJ, et al. (2021) Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in School Psychology: Be the Change School Psychology Review. 50: 1-7 |
Jimerson SR, Sheridan SM, Hoffman JA, et al. (2020) Retrospect and prospect regarding school psychology scholarship: Reflections of Lightner Witmer award winners. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). 35: 409-418 |
Chen C, Yang C, Chan M, et al. (2020) Association between school climate and bullying victimization: Advancing integrated perspectives from parents and cross-country comparisons. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). 35: 311-320 |
Codding RS, Collier-Meek M, Jimerson S, et al. (2020) School Psychology reflections on COVID-19, antiracism, and gender and racial disparities in publishing. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). 35: 227-232 |
Song SY, Wang C, Espelage DL, et al. (2020) COVID-19 and School Psychology: Adaptations and New Directions for the Field School Psychology Review. 49: 431-437 |
García-Vázquez E, Reddy L, Arora P, et al. (2020) School Psychology Unified Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action School Psychology Review. 49: 209-211 |