Diane M. Beck

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Visual system
"Diane Beck"
Mean distance: 12.72 (cluster 23)


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Irvin Rock grad student UC Berkeley
Stephen E. Palmer grad student 1998 UC Berkeley
Sabine Kastner post-doc 2002- Princeton
Nilli Lavie post-doc 1999-2002 UCL


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Clementine Zimnicki research assistant UIUC
Caterina Gratton research assistant 2007-2008 UIUC
Adam J. Barnas research assistant 2009-2011 UIUC
John H. Clevenger grad student 2012- UIUC
Eamon Caddigan grad student 2006-2012 UIUC
Audrey G. Lustig grad student 2006-2012 UIUC
Christopher A. Baldassano grad student 2009-2015 Stanford
Marius Cătălin Iordan grad student 2010-2016
Manoj Kumar grad student 2011-2017 UIUC
Brian Allen Metzger grad student 2012-2017 UIUC
Paige E. Scalf post-doc UIUC
Dirk B. Walther post-doc 2006- UIUC
Evelina Tapia post-doc 2010- UIUC
Kyle E. Mathewson post-doc 2011- UIUC
Ramisha Knight post-doc 2015-
Heeyoung Choo post-doc 2016- UIUC
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Center EG, Federmeier KD, Beck DM. (2024) The Brain's Sensitivity to Real-world Statistical Regularity Does Not Require Full Attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-26
Deng W, Federmeier KD, Beck DM. (2024) Highly memorable images are more readily perceived. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Knight RS, Chen T, Center EG, et al. (2024) Bypassing input to V1 in visual awareness: A TMS-EROS investigation. Neuropsychologia. 198: 108864
Shao Z, Beck DM. (2024) Is attention necessary for the representational advantage of good exemplars over bad exemplars? The European Journal of Neuroscience
Cunningham EC, Zimnicki C, Beck DM. (2023) The influence of prestimulus 1/f-like vs. alpha-band activity on subjective awareness of auditory and visual stimuli. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Clements GM, Gyurkovics M, Low KA, et al. (2023) Dynamics of alpha suppression index both modality specific and general attention processes. Neuroimage. 270: 119956
Clements GM, Gyurkovics M, Low KA, et al. (2022) Dynamics of alpha suppression and enhancement may be related to resource competition in cross-modal cortical regions. Neuroimage. 252: 119048
Kumar M, Federmeier KD, Beck DM. (2021) The N300: An Index for Predictive Coding of Complex Visual Objects and Scenes. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2: tgab030
Metzger BA, Beck DM. (2020) Probing the mechanisms of probe-mediated binocular rivalry. Vision Research. 173: 21-28
Center EG, Knight R, Fabiani M, et al. (2019) Examining the role of feedback in TMS-induced visual suppression: A cautionary tale. Consciousness and Cognition. 75: 102805
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