Eamon Caddigan, Ph.D.

Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Scene Perception, fMRI decoding
"Eamon Caddigan"
Mean distance: 14.09 (cluster 15)


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Daniel J. Simons research assistant 2004-2006 UIUC
 (First exposure to psychology and visual cognition)
Diane M. Beck grad student 2006-2012 UIUC
 (Academic/research advisor and dissertation chair)
Fei-Fei Li grad student 2006-2012 UIUC
Alejandro Lleras grad student 2006-2012 UIUC
Miguel Eckstein post-doc 2012-2014 UC Santa Barbara


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Dirk B. Walther collaborator 2006-2010 UIUC
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Caddigan E, Choo H, Fei-Fei L, et al. (2017) Categorization influences detection: A perceptual advantage for representative exemplars of natural scene categories. Journal of Vision. 17: 21
Tseng YC, Glaser JI, Caddigan E, et al. (2014) Modeling the effect of selection history on pop-out visual search. Plos One. 9: e89996
Caddigan E, Giesbrecht B, Eckstein M. (2014) Finding people in scenes: neural decoding target presence during search of dynamic scenes Journal of Vision. 14: 219-219
Torralbo A, Walther DB, Chai B, et al. (2013) Good exemplars of natural scene categories elicit clearer patterns than bad exemplars but not greater BOLD activity. Plos One. 8: e58594
Caddigan E, Fei-Fei L, Beck D. (2012) The role of attention in the perception of good and bad exemplars of natural scene categories Journal of Vision. 12: 797-797
Walther DB, Chai B, Caddigan E, et al. (2011) Simple line drawings suffice for functional MRI decoding of natural scene categories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 9661-6
Tseng Y, Glaser J, Caddigan E, et al. (2011) How recent visual experience modulates what we look at first Journal of Vision. 11: 256-256
Chu H, Caddigan E, Beck DM. (2011) Visual Long-Term Memory of Scenes is Vulnerable to Bubbles Journal of Vision. 11: 1135-1135
Caddigan E, Fei-Fei L, Beck DM. (2011) Natural scenes are robust to bubbling Journal of Vision. 11: 1115-1115
Caddigan E, Lleras A. (2010) Saccadic repulsion in pop-out search: how a target's dodgy history can push the eyes away from it. Journal of Vision. 10: 9
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