Katie Eklund, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
Developmental Psychology, Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
"Katie Eklund"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorErin Dowdy | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(Early Identification of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children and Youth.) |
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Garbacz SA, Eklund K, Kilgus SP, et al. (2024) Promoting equity and justice in school mental health. Journal of School Psychology. 104: 101318 |
Izumi JT, Eklund K. (2023) Universal screening for social-emotional and behavioral risk: Differential item functioning on the SAEBRS. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.) |
Moore S, Long ACJ, Coyle S, et al. (2022) A roadmap to equitable school mental health screening. Journal of School Psychology. 96: 57-74 |
Eklund K, Kilgus SP, Zahn M, et al. (2022) Intervention selection profile-function: An examination of decisional accuracy relative to traditional FBA data. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.) |
Kilgus SP, Bonifay WE, Eklund K, et al. (2020) Development and validation of the Intervention Skills Profile-Skills: A brief measure of student social-emotional and academic enabling skills. Journal of School Psychology. 83: 66-88 |
Oyen KA, Eklund K, von der Embse N. (2019) The landscape of advocacy in public schools: The role of school psychologists. Psychological Services |
Kilgus SP, Izumi JT, von der Embse NP, et al. (2019) Co-occurrence of academic and behavioral risk within elementary schools: Implications for universal screening practices. School Psychology (Washington, D.C.) |
Embse Nvd, Jenkins A, West G, et al. (2019) Comparing Teacher and Student Report of Behavioral Risk in Predicting Elementary Student Math Outcomes Assessment For Effective Intervention |
McLean D, Eklund K, Kilgus SP, et al. (2018) Influence of teacher burnout and self-efficacy on teacher-related variance in social-emotional and behavioral screening scores. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association |
Eklund K, Rossen E, Koriakin T, et al. (2018) A systematic review of trauma screening measures for children and adolescents. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 33: 30-43 |