Cassie L. Berger, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
Reading Education, Secondary Education, Tests and Measurements EducationGoogle:
"Cassie Berger"Mean distance: 21373.2
Sign in to add mentorLawrence J. Lewandowski | grad student | 2010 | Syracuse | |
(Test-taking behavior of students with learning disabilities: An investigation of secondary students' performance on timed reading tests.) |
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Lewandowski LJ, Berger C, Lovett BJ, et al. (2016) Test-Taking Skills of High School Students With and Without Learning Disabilities Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 34: 566-576 |
Berger C, Lewandowski L. (2013) The Effect of a Word Processor as an Accommodation for Students with Learning Disabilities Journal of Writing Research. 4: 261-280 |
Berger CL, Lewandowski L. (2012) The effect of a word processor as an accommodation for students with learning disabilities Journal of Writing Research. 4: 261-280 |
Lovett BJ, Lewandowski LJ, Berger C, et al. (2010) Effects of Response Mode and Time Allotment on College Students' Writing Journal of College Reading and Learning. 40: 64-79 |