Lawrence J. Lewandowski

Psychology Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
"Lawrence Lewandowski"
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Michelle S. Marcoe grad student 2001 Syracuse
Ava E. Kleinmann grad student 2005 Syracuse
Lauren A. Arbolino grad student 2006 Syracuse
Rosanne Parolin grad student 2006 Syracuse
Rebecca A. Gathje grad student 2009 Syracuse
Cassie L. Berger grad student 2010 Syracuse
Kaitlin Hendricks grad student 2013 Syracuse
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Potts HE, Lewandowski LJ, Lovett BJ. (2022) Identifying Feigned ADHD in College Students: Comparing the Multidimensional ADHD Rating Scale to Established Validity Measures. Journal of Attention Disorders. 10870547221092095
Potts HE, Lewandowski LJ, Lovett BJ. (2021) The Multidimensional ADHD Rating Scale: A measure of symptoms, impairment, and symptom validity. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 1-11
Lovett BJ, Wood WLM, Lewandowski LJ. (2020) Differential Diagnosis of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms in College Students. Journal of Attention Disorders. 1087054719896856
Lewandowski L, Martens BK, Clawson A, et al. (2020) Effects of a Private Room Versus Group Setting on Math Test Performance of College Students with ADHD Journal of Behavioral Education. 1-13
Rieger B, Lewandowski L, Potts H, et al. (2019) Effects of Concussion in Adolescent Students: Perceptions and Performance. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 25: 777-786
Wood WLM, Lewandowski LJ, Lovett BJ. (2019) Profiles of Diagnosed and Undiagnosed College Students Meeting ADHD Symptom Criteria. Journal of Attention Disorders. 1087054718824991
Spenceley LM, Wood WLM, Valentino M, et al. (2019) Predicting the Extended Time Use of College Students With Disabilities Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 38: 279-290
Lovett BJ, Lewandowski LJ, Carter L. (2018) Separate Room Testing Accommodations for Students With and Without ADHD Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 37: 852-862
Wood WL, Potts HE, Lewandowski LJ, et al. (2016) Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and Speed of Performance. Journal of Attention Disorders
Lovett BJ, Lewandowski LJ, Potts HE. (2016) Test-Taking Speed: Predictors and Implications Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 35: 351-360
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