Norman H. Anderson

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Unified Theory
"Norman Anderson"
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Karpp ER, Anderson NH. (1997) Cognitive Assessment of Function Knowledge Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 34: 359-376
Schlottmann A, Anderson NH. (1993) An information integration approach to phenomenal causality. Memory & Cognition. 21: 785-801
Anderson NH. (1992) 2 Integration Psychophysics and Cognition Advances in Psychology. 92: 13-113
Anderson NH, Zalinski J. (1988) Functional measurement approach to self‐estimation in multiattribute evaluation Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 1: 191-221
Anderson NH. (1983) Cognitive Algebra in Intuitive Physics Advances in Psychology. 11: 229-253
Wilkening F, Anderson NH. (1982) Comparison of two rule-assessment methodologies for studying cognitive development and knowledge structure Psychological Bulletin. 92: 215-237
Carterette EC, Anderson NH. (1979) Bisection of loudness. Perception & Psychophysics. 26: 265-80
Anderson NH. (1978) Measurement of motivation and incentive Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 10: 360-375
Anderson NH. (1977) Note on functional measurement and data analysis Perception & Psychophysics. 21: 201-215
Anderson NH. (1977) Failure of additivity in bisection of length Perception & Psychophysics. 22: 213-222
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