Cheri Ostroff

Psychology University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
General Psychology, Management Business Administration, General Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Cheri Ostroff"
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Fulmer CA, Ostroff C. (2017) Trust in Direct Leaders and Top Leaders: A Trickle-Up Model. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Fulmer CA, Ostroff C. (2016) Convergence and emergence in organizations: An integrative framework and review Journal of Organizational Behavior. 37: S122-S145
Ostroff C. (2012) Person-Environment Fit in Organizational Settings The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology. 1
Ostroff C, Zhan Y. (2012) Person-Environment Fit in the Selection Process The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Assessment and Selection
Schulte M, Ostroff C, Kinicki AJ. (2006) Organizational climate systems and psychological climate perceptions: A cross-level study of climate-satisfaction relationships Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 79: 645-671
Ostroff C, Kinicki AJ, Clark MA. (2002) Substantive and operational issues of response bias across levels of analysis: an example of climate-satisfaction relationships. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 355-68
Ostroff C. (2002) Leveling the selection field Research in Multi-Level Issues. 1: 141-154
Ostroff C, Harrison DA. (1999) Meta-analysis, level of analysis, and best estimates of population correlations: Cautions for interpreting meta-analytic results in organizational behavior Journal of Applied Psychology. 84: 260-270
Ostroff C, Rothausen TJ. (1997) The moderating effect of tenure in person-environment fit: A field study in educational organizations Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 70: 173-188
Ostroff C. (1993) Comparing Correlations Based on Individual-Level and Aggregated Data Journal of Applied Psychology. 78: 569-582
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