Greg Chung-Yan

PSYCHOLOGY University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada 
General Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology
"Greg Chung-Yan"
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Huth KBS, Chung-Yan GA. (2022) Quantifying the evidence for the absence of the job demands and job control interaction on workers' well-being: A Bayesian meta-analysis. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Chung-Yan G, Schat A, Cronshaw S. (2019) Are Consensus Ratings of Functional Job Analysis Scales More Reliable than Ratings Made by Independent Raters? Personnel Assessment and Decisions. 5
Moeller C, Chung-Yan GA. (2013) Effects of social support on professors’ work stress International Journal of Educational Management. 27: 188-202
Kwantes CT, Chung-Yan GA. (2012) Developing a global mindset for leaders: The case of the canadian context Advances in Global Leadership. 7: 295-320
Butler AM, Chung-Yan GA. (2011) The influence of sexual harassment frequency and perceptions of organizational justice on victim responses to sexual harassment European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 20: 729-754
Chung-Yan GA, Butler AM. (2011) Proactive personality in the context of job complexity Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 43: 279-286
Chung-Yan GA. (2010) The nonlinear effects of job complexity and autonomy on job satisfaction, turnover, and psychological well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 15: 237-51
Cronshaw SF, Chung-Yan GA. (2010) The Need for Even Further Clarity About Cleary Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 3: 206-209
Chung-Yan GA, Moeller C. (2010) The psychosocial costs of conflict management styles International Journal of Conflict Management. 21: 382-399
Son Hing LS, Chung-Yan GA, Hamilton LK, et al. (2008) A two-dimensional model that employs explicit and implicit attitudes to characterize prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 94: 971-87
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