Cynthia Weston
Affiliations: | Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
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Leung KH, Pluye P, Grad R, et al. (2010) A reflective learning framework to evaluate CME effects on practice reflection. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 30: 78-88 |
Perlman C, Weston C, Gisel E. (2010) Enabling meaningful learning through Web-based instruction with occupational therapy students Educational Technology Research and Development. 58: 191-210 |
McAlpine L, Weston C. (2008) The Attributes Of Instructional Materials Performance Improvement Quarterly. 7: 19-30 |
Amundsen C, Weston C, McAlpine L. (2008) Concept mapping to support university academics' analysis of course content Studies in Higher Education. 33: 633-652 |
McAlpine L, Weston C, Timmermans J, et al. (2006) Zones: Reconceptualizing teacher thinking in relation to action Studies in Higher Education. 31: 601-615 |
McAlpine L, Weston C, Berthiaume D, et al. (2006) How do instructors explain their thinking when planning and teaching? Higher Education. 51: 125-155 |
Perlman C, Weston C, Gisel E. (2005) A web-based tutorial to enhance student learning of activity analysis. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Revue Canadienne D'ErgothéRapie. 72: 153-63 |
McAlpine L, Weston C, Berthiaume D, et al. (2004) Reflection on Teaching: Types and Goals of Reflection. Educational Research and Evaluation. 10: 337-363 |
McAlpine L, Weston C, Beauchamp C. (2002) Debriefing interview and colloquium: How effective are these as research strategies? Instructional Science. 30: 403-432 |
McAlpine L, Weston C. (2000) Reflection: Issues related to improving professors' teaching and students' learning Instructional Science. 28: 59-78 |