Duje Tadin

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Visual System
"Duje Tadin"
Mean distance: 15.15 (cluster 15)


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Joseph Lappin grad student 1999-2004 Vanderbilt
Randolph Blake post-doc 2004-2007 Rochester


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Jidong Qi research assistant Rochester
Draco (Yunlong) Xu research assistant Rochester
Davis M. Glasser research assistant 2007-2009 Rochester
Jakob Seidlitz research assistant 2012-2013
Woon Ju Park grad student
Davis M. Glasser grad student 2009- Rochester
Emily L Isenstein grad student 2019- Rochester
Kevin C. Dieter grad student 2008-2013 Rochester
Ruyuan Zhang grad student 2010-2015 Rochester
Ying Lin grad student 2018-2023 Rochester
Vankee Feng Lin post-doc
Oh-Sang Kwon post-doc 2012-2015 Rochester


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Krystel Huxlin collaborator Rochester
Joel Pearson collaborator 2004- Vanderbilt
BETA: Related publications


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Yang 杨菁艺 J, Saionz EL, Cavanaugh MR, et al. (2024) Limited restoration of contrast sensitivity with training after V1 damage in humans. Eneuro
Han S, Blake R, Aubuchon C, et al. (2024) Binocular rivalry under naturalistic geometry: Evidence from worlds simulated in virtual reality. Pnas Nexus. 3: pgae054
Cavanaugh M, Yang J, Fahrenthold B, et al. (2023) Poster Session: Evidence for preserved conscious orientation discrimination in perimetrically-blind fields early after V1-damage. Journal of Vision. 23: 40
Lin Y, Chen Z, Reynoso J, et al. (2023) Poster Session: A unifying framework for perceptual decision-making. Journal of Vision. 23: 59
Xu Y, Kwon OS, Zhang R, et al. (2023) Poster Session: Investigating temporal evolutions of perceptual choice within biological and artificial neural networks. Journal of Vision. 23: 77
Isenstein E, Rico G, Freedman E, et al. (2023) Poster Session: Neural Correlates of the Visual Expectation of Active and Passive Touch. Journal of Vision. 23: 84
Yang J, Saionz EL, Cavanaugh MR, et al. (2023) Contrast sensitivity: a fundamental limit to vision restoration after V1 damage. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Moon J, Tadin D, Kwon OS. (2022) A key role of orientation in the coding of visual motion direction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Cavanaugh MR, Tadin D, Carrasco M, et al. (2022) Benefits of Endogenous Spatial Attention During Visual Double-Training in Cortically-Blinded Fields. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 771623
Tadin D. (2022) Strong evidence against a common center-surround mechanism in visual processing. Journal of Vision. 22: 58
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