Alice E. Donlan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | Human Development | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Educational Psychology EducationGoogle:
"Alice Donlan"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add mentorKathryn Wentzel | grad student | 2013 | University of Maryland | |
(Supports from friends as predictors of stress and school outcomes during the transition to college: A longitudinal analysis.) |
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Donlan AE, Byrne VL. (2020) Confirming the Factor Structure of a Research-Based Mid-Semester Evaluation of College Teaching: Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 73428292090316 |
Zaff JF, Margolius M, Varga SM, et al. (2020) English Learners and High School Graduation: A Pattern-Centered Approach to Understand within-Group Variations Journal of Education For Students Placed At Risk (Jespar). 1-19 |
McDermott ER, Donlan AE, Zaff JF. (2019) Self-control and persistence in the transition to adulthood: employment outcomes among individuals with no credential, a GED, and a high school diploma Compare. 49: 742-758 |
McDermott ER, Donlan AE, Zaff JF. (2019) Why Do Students Drop Out? Turning Points and Long-Term Experiences. Journal of Educational Research. 112: 270-282 |
Pan J, Zaff JF, Donlan AE. (2017) Social Support and Academic Engagement Among Reconnected Youth: Adverse Life Experiences as a Moderator. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 27: 890-906 |
Donlan AE, McDermott ER, Zaff JF. (2017) Building relationships between mentors and youth: Development of the TRICS model Children and Youth Services Review. 79: 385-398 |
Anderson S, McDermott ER, Elliott MC, et al. (2016) Youth-Serving Institutional Resources and Neighborhood Safety: Ties With Positive Youth Development. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry |
McDermott ER, Donlan AE, Zaff JF, et al. (2016) A Psychometric Analysis of Hope, Persistence, and Engagement Among Reengaged Youth Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 34: 136-152 |
Donlan AE, Prescott JE, Zaff JF. (2016) Differential predictors of academic achievement: individual and familial factor interactions with community poverty Journal of Children and Poverty. 22: 113-132 |
Russell SL, Wentzel KR, Donlan AE. (2016) Teachers’ beliefs about the development of teacher–adolescent trust Learning Environments Research. 1-26 |