David C. Baldridge, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
Management Business Administration, Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"David Baldridge"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorJohn F. Veiga | grad student | 2001 | University of Connecticut | |
(The everyday ADA: The influence of requesters' assessments on decisions to ask for needed accommodation.) |
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Brzykcy AZ, Boehm SA, Baldridge DC. (2019) Fostering sustainable careers across the lifespan: The role of disability, idiosyncratic deals and perceived work ability Journal of Vocational Behavior. 112: 185-198 |
Beatty JE, Baldridge DC, Boehm SA, et al. (2019) On the treatment of persons with disabilities in organizations: A review and research agenda Human Resource Management. 58: 119-137 |
Baldridge DC, Kulkarni M. (2017) The shaping of sustainable careers post hearing loss: Toward greater understanding of adult onset disability, disability identity, and career transitions: Human Relations. 70: 1217-1236 |
Baldridge D, Konrad AM, Moore ME, et al. (2017) Childhood-onset disability, strong ties and employment quality Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 36: 290-305 |
Baldridge DC, Swift ML. (2016) Age and Assessments of Disability Accommodation Request Normative Appropriateness Human Resource Management. 55: 385-400 |
Veiga JF, Baldridge DC, Markóczy L. (2014) Toward greater understanding of the pernicious effects of workplace envy International Journal of Human Resource Management. 25: 2364-2381 |
Baldridge DC, Swift ML. (2013) Withholding Requests for Disability Accommodation: The Role of Individual Differences and Disability Attributes Journal of Management. 39: 743-762 |
Ling Y, Baldridge D, Craig JB. (2012) The impact of family structure on issue selling by successor generation members in family firms Journal of Family Business Strategy. 3: 220-227 |
Byron K, Baldridge DC. (2007) E-Mail recipients' impressions of senders' likability: The interactive effect of nonverbal cues and recipients' personality Journal of Business Communication. 44: 137-160 |
Baldridge DC, Eddleston KA, Veiga JF. (2006) Saying 'no' to being uprooted: The impact of family and gender on willingness to relocate Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 79: 131-149 |