Philip Salapatek
Affiliations: | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
perceptual developmentGoogle:
"Philip Salapatek"Bio:
Ph.D. in psychology from Yale University, 1967
Mean distance: 14.55 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeMartin Banks | grad student | UMN | |
Daphne Maurer | grad student | USC, McMaster University | |
Richard N. Aslin | grad student | 1971-1975 | UMN |
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Nelson CA, Salapatek P. (1986) Electrophysiological correlates of infant recognition memory. Child Development. 57: 1483-97 |
Nelson CA, Salapatek P. (1984) The 4-month-old infant's perception of holograms and real objects: a demonstration of equivalence. Perception & Psychophysics. 36: 343-8 |
Salapatek P, Reisman J. (1984) Infant event-related potentials (ERPS) to omitted stimuli Infant Behavior and Development. 7: 317 |
Nelson CA, Salapatek P. (1984) Infants event-related potentials to briefly presented faces Infant Behavior and Development. 7: 264 |
Regal DM, Ashmead DH, Salapatek P. (1983) The coordination of eye and head movements during early infancy: a selective review. Behavioural Brain Research. 10: 125-32 |
Banks MS, Salapatek P. (1981) Infant pattern vision: a new approach based on the contrast sensitivity function. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 31: 1-45 |
Hofmann MJ, Salapatek P. (1981) Young infants' event-related potentials (ERPs) to familiar and unfamiliar visual and auditory events in a recognition memory task. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 52: 405-17 |
Hofmann MJ, Salapatek P, Kuskowski M. (1981) Evidence for visual memory in the averaged and single evoked potentials of human infants Infant Behavior and Development. 4: 401-421 |
Salapatek P, Aslin RN, Simonson J, et al. (1980) Infant saccadic eye movements to visible and previously visible targets. Child Development. 51: 1090-4 |
Banks MS, Salapatek P. (1978) Acuity and contrast sensitivity in 1-, 2-, and 3-month-old human infants. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 17: 361-5 |