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Eve Marder

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States 
motor system, network dynamics
"Eve Marder"
Mean distance: 12.52 (cluster 6)


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Allen I. Selverston grad student 1969-1974 UCSD
David L. Barker post-doc 1974-1975 University of Oregon
JacSue Kehoe post-doc 1975-1978 ENS Paris


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Jackie Seddon research assistant 2023- Brandeis
Michael  L. Oshinsky research assistant 1989-1992 Brandeis
David A. Markowitz research assistant 2003-2004 Brandeis
Ryan T. Maloney research assistant 2009-2011 Brandeis
Alex Henry Williams research assistant 2012-2014 Brandeis
Cosmo Joseph Guerini research assistant 2016-2021 Brandeis
Judith Eisen grad student Brandeis
Jorge Golowasch grad student NJIT
Sara A Haddad grad student Brandeis
Adriane Gerndt Otopalik grad student Brandeis
Vatsala Thirumalai grad student Brandeis
David Hampton grad student 2015- Brandeis
Scott L. Hooper grad student 1981-1986 Brandeis
Valerie L. Kilman grad student 1998 Brandeis
Kathryn S. Richards grad student 2000 Brandeis
Andrew Mark Swensen grad student 2000 Brandeis
Cyrus Phiroze Billimoria grad student 2005 Brandeis
Christian D. Swinehart grad student 2005 Brandeis
Nelson D. Cruz-Bermúdez grad student 2007 Brandeis
Kristina J. Rehm grad student 2001-2008 Brandeis
Rachel G. Grashow grad student 2004-2010 Brandeis
Lamont S. Tang grad student 2004-2010 Brandeis
Jonathan Stuart Caplan grad student 2013 Brandeis
Gabrielle J. Gutierrez grad student 2006-2013 Brandeis
Mohamed Adel grad student 2017-2018 Brandeis
Dirk M. Bucher post-doc Brandeis
Tilman J. Kispersky post-doc Brandeis
Chris Lingle post-doc Washington University
Michael P. Nusbaum post-doc Brandeis
Frances K. Skinner post-doc Brandeis
Kurt A. Thoroughman post-doc brandeis
Gina G. Turrigiano post-doc Brandeis
Yunliang Zang post-doc Brandeis
Adam L. Taylor post-doc 2003- Brandeis
Anne-Elise Tobin post-doc 2005- Brandeis
Pablo Achard post-doc 2007- Brandeis
Sonal Shruti post-doc 2010- Brandeis
Leandro Martin Alonso post-doc 2017- Brandeis
Farzan Nadim post-doc 1995-1998 Brandeis
Astrid A. Prinz post-doc 2000-2004 Brandeis
David J. Schulz post-doc 2002-2005 Brandeis
Jean-Marc Goaillard post-doc 2002-2006 Boston University, Brandeis University
Hilary S. Bierman post-doc 2007-2009 Brandeis
Theresa M. Szabo post-doc 2007-2010 Brandeis
Marie Luize Goeritz research scientist Brandeis
BETA: Related publications


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Calabrese RL, Marder E. (2024) Degenerate neuronal and circuit mechanisms important for generating rhythmic motor patterns. Physiological Reviews. 105: 95-135
Kedia S, Awal NM, Seddon J, et al. (2024) Sulfonylurea receptor pharmacology alters the performance of two central pattern generating circuits in Cancer borealis. Function (Oxford, England)
Fournier Z, Alonso LM, Marder E. (2024) Circuit function is more robust to changes in synaptic than intrinsic conductances. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Kedia S, Awal NM, Seddon J, et al. (2024) Sulfonylurea receptor coupled conductances alter the performace of two central pattern generating circuits in . Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Hampton D, Kedia S, Marder E. (2024) Alterations in network robustness upon simultaneous temperature and pH perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology
Marom S, Marder E. (2023) A biophysical perspective on the resilience of neuronal excitability across timescales. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Alonso LM, Rue MCP, Marder E. (2023) Gating of homeostatic regulation of intrinsic excitability produces cryptic long-term storage of prior perturbations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2222016120
Zang Y, Marder E, Marom S. (2023) Sodium channel slow inactivation normalizes firing in axons with uneven conductance distributions. Current Biology : Cb. 33: 1818-1824.e3
Zang Y, Marder E. (2023) Neuronal morphology enhances robustness to perturbations of channel densities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2219049120
Rue MCP, Alonso LM, Marder E. (2022) Repeated applications of high potassium elicit long-term changes in a motor circuit from the crab, . Iscience. 25: 104919
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