Amy L. Burns, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College |
Tests and Measurements Education, Administration EducationGoogle:
"Amy Burns"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorRobert D. Felner | grad student | 2008 | University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College | |
(The opportunity to learn: Identification and measurement of school conditions that contextualize student achievement.) |
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Felner RD, Bolton N, Seitsinger AM, et al. (2016) Creating a statewide educational data system for accountability and improvement: A comprehensive information and assessment system for making evidence-based change at school, district, and policy levels Psychology in the Schools. 45: 235-256 |
Brand S, Felner RD, Seitsinger A, et al. (2008) A large scale study of the assessment of the social environment of middle and secondary schools: the validity and utility of teachers' ratings of school climate, cultural pluralism, and safety problems for understanding school effects and school improvement. Journal of School Psychology. 46: 507-35 |
Seitsinger AM, Felner RD, Brand S, et al. (2008) A large-scale examination of the nature and efficacy of teachers' practices to engage parents: assessment, parental contact, and student-level impact. Journal of School Psychology. 46: 477-505 |
Felner RD, Seitsinger AM, Brand S, et al. (2007) Creating Small Learning Communities: Lessons From the Project on High-Performing Learning Communities About "What Works" in Creating Productive, Developmentally Enhancing, Learning Contexts Educational Psychologist. 42: 209-221 |