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Irving Biederman

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Shape Recognition, Cognitive Neuroscience
"Irving Biederman"
Mean distance: 12.83 (cluster 23)


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Michelle R. Greene research assistant USC
frederic chavane grad student USC, Neuroscience Research Institute
József Fiser grad student USC
Peter C. Gerhardstein grad student UMN
Peter Kalocsai grad student
Suresh Sivasubramaniam grad student USC
John E. Hummel grad student 1987-1990 UMN
Eric E. Cooper grad student 1988-1992 UMN
Moshe Bar grad student 1994-1998 USC
Edward A. Vessel grad student 1997-2004 USC
Michael C. Mangini grad student 1997-2005 USC
Xiaomin Yue grad student 2002-2007 USC
Kenneth J. Hayworth grad student 2009 USC
Mark D. Lescroart grad student 2005-2011 USC
Jiye G. Kim grad student 2006-2011 USC
Xiaokun Xu grad student 2007-2013 USC
Gyula Kovács research scientist Technical University of Budapest
BETA: Related publications


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Margalit E, Herald SB, Meschke EX, et al. (2019) Visual noise consisting of X-junctions has only a minimal adverse effect on object recognition. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Meschke EX, Biederman I. (2019) Direct Evidence that Inversion of Faces Disrupts Configural Processing Journal of Vision. 19: 230a
Hacker CM, Biederman I. (2019) The Capacity for Face Perception is Independent of the Capacity for Face Memory Journal of Vision. 19: 139a
Biederman I, Zhu T, Nelken M, et al. (2019) The Cost of Matching Depth-Rotated Faces: A Simple Function of Image Similarity Journal of Vision. 19: 136b
Peissig JJ, Young ME, Wasserman EA, et al. (2018) Pigeons Spontaneously Form Three-Dimensional Shape Categories. Behavioural Processes
Hacker CM, Meschke EX, Biederman I. (2018) A face in a (temporal) crowd. Vision Research
Biederman I, Shilowich BE, Herald SB, et al. (2018) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Person Identification. Neuropsychologia
Zhu T, Nelken M, Hacker C, et al. (2018) Matching Depth-Rotated Faces at Varying Degrees of Physical Similarity Journal of Vision. 18: 932
Hacker C, Meschke E, Biederman I. (2018) Recognition of Stretched Faces Journal of Vision. 18: 160
Meschke E, Hacker C, Biederman I. (2018) How Many Faces Can We Recognize? Journal of Vision. 18: 158
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