Daniel S. Reich

Neuroimmunology Branch National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, United States 
visual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging
"Daniel Reich"
Mean distance: 13.55 (cluster 17)


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Ehud Kaplan research assistant 1992-1994 Rockefeller
Bruce W. Knight grad student 1996-2001 Rockefeller
Jonathan D. Victor grad student 1996-2001 Weill Cornell Medical College
R Clay Reid grad student 2004-2004 Rockefeller
Peter A. Calabresi post-doc 2004-2009 Johns Hopkins


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Winston Liu research assistant 2012-2015 NIH, NINDS
Miles D. Martinez research assistant 2019-2019 NIH
Syed Ali Raza post-doc 2022-


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Robin J.M. Franklin collaborator
Jonathan Kipnis collaborator
Alan P. Koretsky collaborator
Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen collaborator NIH
Luca Massacesi collaborator 2009- NINDS
Jonadab Dos Santos Silva collaborator 2022- NINDS
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Harrison DM, Sati P, Klawiter EC, et al. (2024) The use of 7T MRI in multiple sclerosis: review and consensus statement from the North American Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Cooperative. Brain Communications. 6: fcae359
Chen L, Ren Z, Clark KA, et al. (2024) Multicenter validation of automated detection of paramagnetic rim lesions on brain MRI in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimaging : Official Journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
Fagiani F, Pedrini E, Taverna S, et al. (2024) Glia-enriched stem-cell 3D model of the human brain mimics the glial-immune neurodegenerative phenotypes of multiple sclerosis. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Hemond CC, Dundamadappa SK, Deshpande M, et al. (2024) Paramagnetic Rim Lesions are Highly Specific for Multiple Sclerosis in Real-World Data. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Manning AR, Letchuman V, Martin ML, et al. (2024) Multicenter automated central vein sign detection performs as well as manual assessment for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Ajnr. American Journal of Neuroradiology
Toljan K, Daboul L, Raza P, et al. (2024) Diagnostic performance of central vein sign versus oligoclonal bands for multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). 13524585241271988
Harrison DM, Choi S, Bakshi R, et al. (2024) Pooled analysis of multiple sclerosis findings on multisite 7 Tesla MRI: Protocol and initial observations. Human Brain Mapping. 45: e26816
Fagiani F, Pedrini E, Taverna S, et al. (2024) A glia-enriched stem cell 3D model of the human brain mimics the glial-immune neurodegenerative phenotypes of multiple sclerosis. Cell Reports. Medicine. 5: 101680
Chen AA, Clark K, Dewey BE, et al. (2024) PARE: A framework for removal of confounding effects from any distance-based dimension reduction method. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012241
Hemond CC, Gaitán MI, Absinta M, et al. (2024) New Imaging Markers in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders: Smoldering Inflammation and the Central Vein Sign. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America. 34: 359-373
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